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Hecarim Build Guide by KaerX

How to Train Your Centaur (5/6/12)

How to Train Your Centaur (5/6/12)

Updated on January 14, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KaerX Build Guide By KaerX 98 34 281,530 Views 73 Comments
98 34 281,530 Views 73 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KaerX Hecarim Build Guide By KaerX Updated on January 14, 2013
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Mystic Angel | June 1, 2013 4:48am
Awesome Guide!!! Just used this guide and got myself full green match history first time hecarim! loved it bro keep up the good work
Nojay3 | July 30, 2012 2:05pm
Im getting 19/0 nearly every game.
notorious gnome7 | July 3, 2012 6:29pm
why dont u uild a sheen in this build?
max16996 | June 21, 2012 8:21am
Good build!=)
Tyas84 | June 18, 2012 9:43am
Very good game , i think its the best . OP Build :)
the true xium | June 15, 2012 9:30am
Man, just tried out your 5v5 jungle build. Went 19/4/11 and had a blast. Great build!
Lucazade | May 26, 2012 2:01pm
Voted 1+ one of the best build on MOBAfire . i used to suck as hecarim .Now i always win

Thank you
AntiBaas (2) | May 12, 2012 4:06am
KaerX wrote:

Awesome, Thank you!! Thats what I usually use for 3v3 as well. And yes I ALWAYS recommend building a little different per game, per circumstances :). Also I wasn't a big fan of Tiamat on any champs but when started using it on Hecarim I fell in love with it on him, which was in the process of finalizing my new revised builds. Real nice for minion farming, fast jungle clears and its an inexpensive early item for the damage,Regen,and splash. The 3v3 vs AD and vs AP builds are designed for 3v3 games in which there are 2 ad or 2 ap on enemy team and the occasion that a game comes with ALL AP or AD. My new written guide is almost ready to be posted and will contain a section dedicated to each build variation and much better BB Coding. Im glad to hear your success with it, and once again thank you!! If you need anything or have any feedback please feel free to post again or PM me!! :)

- KaerX -

Thanks! I cannot believe so many people hate on hecarim, and re so in love with Varus. I love Hecarim and dare to say I own with him (occasionally, haha). Good to hear that I'm not the only one ;)!

Loved the way how my Real-life friend, raged on me (on skype), when I build a tiamat and was confused when I had 2+KD scores. It was hilarious! It's a good 50AD (+ the splash and regen aren't bad AT ALL) early game item and cheap too! :)

Sheerkhan21 | May 11, 2012 7:41am
I like your sustain jungle build..had so much fun in ranked. they always underestimate heca but the build showed them haha.. used armor seals though.. not so sure about the attack speed. i dont have those seals. and i start cloth armor.
CommonmanDucky (3) | May 10, 2012 10:58pm
SolidLogic wrote:

I thought your preferred build was a bit too squishy early. I had to abandon your item route right away after being 2-3lvls behind due to a obscene amount of deaths. At the start I think I was hit 5 times and done. Lv3-4 I was one hit wasted by lux ulti. I preferred the #1 ranks build, but I think your trying to get too much out of his passive.

SolidLogic is just a 12 year old trolling nerd who has 1 post and is obviously an author of one of the other hecarim builds. Think about how it looks that you got 1 post and downvote and say you completely got owned and took 1 hit and died, that is not the build doing that, thats your lack of skill. Seems like it works for alot of people. Go back under your bridge you immature 12 year old troll.
KaerX (36) | May 9, 2012 4:23pm
SilverSeer wrote:

Your guide is a massive wall of text :/
I think it would make your guide a lot more interesting to read if you spice it up a little with BBcode. I love BBcode...

(i have a hecarim guide as well so i won't up or down vote)

I just released V1 of my update which was just the revised builds. V2 which is almost done which is the new written portion of the guide. Most of it currently pertains to ny old builds. There will be nice coding and a dedicated section for the 3v3 builds and the 5v5 ones as well. Thank you for the feedback, I like your guide by the way.

- KaerX -
SilverSeer (12) | May 8, 2012 8:24pm
Your guide is a massive wall of text :/
I think it would make your guide a lot more interesting to read if you spice it up a little with BBcode. I love BBcode...

(i have a hecarim guide as well so i won't up or down vote)
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