So I guess this is my first update, today i reached a great ELO of 1001 which is a great accomplishment today. I went Talon mid since he is an amazing AP shutdown and got fed like hell. I think I went something crazy like 24/5 due to that burst.

Since now and my last blog I've also been trying a few more unique lane combinations. for example I had a game as ad carry bot lane as Miss Fortune which went well, Ellmacho was playing karthus mid and instead of deciding to go the normal Double up harassment technique I started to max my impure shots first and I'm glad I did. That bonus magic damage in bot lane and attack speed when 1v1 some nub like ashe is simply <3. The only problem I found was that they had a bush baby blitzcrank who liked to press Q a lot, I'm pleased to say that I missed quite a few of them but there is always one which catches you of guard.

Now this other game I had I was in solo que. I decided id play Nunu in the jungle but because some people like to spoil your day and also lock in as jungle AFTER you I ended up top. I thought it would be a simple lose and bye bye ELO however it was not. I was against a Malphite who was on par to me in terms of skill I think however just that sustain I had won me the lane. The 400gold bonus from first blood was a great help and I think if I had to I would try this again. The most amusing thing was as their jungler (Lee Sin) came to gank I went into the bush against the wall and pressed R. Malphite tried to ult me and knock me up but he missed (YEY) so remember,

Nunu ult in a bush = Free double kill.

I think this is all i have to say for know, thanks for reading
