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at the end of your guide you wrote sizte before randuins omen and the code is something like this icon=Randuin's Omen size =? (using [ ] of course).
and about your guide 13 health pots is too much its like someone taking heal and revive saying it will allow them to be in lane longer you shouldn't need those items regrowth pendant gives you 3 health per second which is 180 a minute 1800 during 10 + 150 from one pot you will be buying that's 1950 and you get to keep the pendant
Pendant doesn't build into anything though.
and about your guide 13 health pots is too much its like someone taking heal and revive saying it will allow them to be in lane longer you shouldn't need those items regrowth pendant gives you 3 health per second which is 180 a minute 1800 during 10 + 150 from one pot you will be buying that's 1950 and you get to keep the pendant