I may be considered a relatively new player, as I'm playing LoL for over half a year or so. But, there's this one thing that I'm interested in. Thing is, I can't have my main champion. I pick one up, have a great game, or even bad, but I do get to the point when i realize I like the champion, and that I "feel" it. I play 30-40 games with it, and then, all of a sudden, I start to suck at it. And it's not that I'm in a stasis or something and just get better opponents while I'm just as good as I was, but no better. I can't figure out what causes it. I ALWAYS try to improve myself at this game.

Before I even downloaded the client I started to read game and champion guides and so far I didn't stop it. I make up my own builds very quickly, later finding out that the best guides here have similar, if not the same, runes, masteries, item choices, even the skill levelling order. I mean, there's this one champion that gives me creeps. [:Ahri:]. I just love her. So much I could play her all the time and not even think about other champions for a month or longer. The problem is, when I bought her after trying her out during her free week, I was owning mid lane for the next 2 weeks. Then it just crumbled. I can't do **** in mid with her now, I keep missing Qs and Es, even though I'm rather good at skillshots(maybe not if I miss em, but i land almost perfectly every other skillshot in da game with other champs i play). It hurts me and I don't know what to do.

I was always a mid player, I loved casters and learnt very quickly how to handle myself in this lane with Morgana, Lux, Kassadin, LeBlanc, Katarina, Annie, Zilean, Mordekaiser and let's say i learnt Ahri too. While I'm still good at some of these champions, I keep getting worse on Ahri. Same thing was with Shen, when I actually started to love the role of a big **********er that jumps into enemy team, takes all of their damage output, says "And now, you die", and walks away with a quarter of his HP left gaining 5 assists in the process or maybe even a kill or two. What's the problem with me? I can't keep up to my own level, that's just... weird, and it freaks me out.

I need advice, because I don't know if I should try to play her over and over again until I actually get good with her. Bots? Nah, this doesn't improve anything for me anymore, can do them with any champ, always getting legendary, 0 deaths(I don't play supports with bots, they're almost always easy to learn). Bots may still be good, but not for a skill shot based champ, cause they're way too easy to land on them. But I don't want to ruin my team's game, and since I bought the champion that is so expensive, I want to know how to play it AWESOMELY, not just decently. Plus, I can't say this champion is not for me, cause a mobile AP based assassin/caster is what I like the most, after being a tank. Take Kass for example, he's so easy to play, and has same attributes, even if little different playstyle, as Ahri. Maybe he's too easy... I don't know. I'll keep playing her, but I don't know where it'll lead me. If playing a champion for a long time means getting worse at it, I'm out.

So this was my first blog post, next one should be more, hmmm... Original and less boring, I have something in mind already. Hope someone reads this :D