My thoughts on the two are mixed because its a love hate relationship, Darius I think is very broken and takes the fun out of games he plays, not only for the enemy team but the friendly team as well. He takes kills with no punishment and can even take teammates kills with little to no effort. His kit encourages people to go in and just kill with no escapes and when he finally gets the turn around his penalty is very low as he can build tanker and tanker and still deal the massive amounts of damage that the average bruiser couldn't do with the exact same build. I honestly hope that a champion like this is not released like this again and wish that riot should think before they make a champion like Darius. I honestly think that they just need to take the CD refresh off his ult and reduce the Attack damage ratio's so that Darius players will have to build more damage items to get the desired damage. Now for his brother Draven he is a very fun character to play. His axe mechanic causes a new level of skill to an ad carry that give a high risk, high reward element to the champion which i enjoy very much. He is very strong mid and late game, however his early game is very middle ground. His harass is unmatched and he gets some nice tools to work with, but his ultimate lacks damage as compared to other carry's ultimate's. Don't get me wrong i do some pretty nice plays with his ultimate, but its damage is rather low. His damage is insane late game because any one that comes near him he can 3 shot. He lacks CC but he makes up for it with damage and utility. His Stand aside ability has saved me and my team so many times it's crazy. All in all they are both strong characters however Darius needs some serious fixing.