So I just played a a game where the other team picked a troll comp and just went Aram with it (all mid and stuff). Obviously that took us by surprise and we lost the first mid tower quick. Since I figured this was a troll game anyways (was not ranked) I decided to have a bit of fun, not feed but not try my hardest. At one point I was just dancing in the base as everyone else farmed. The other team one and I'm going to admit if me and a couple others on the team try'd harder we would have won. But, to me LoL is fun, not competitive. Especially in normals. There was another memeber of the MOBAfire community who was in the game who wan not very pleased by my play. He got mad and fought with me in the MOBAfire chat room.

So I'm just asking, does deciding to play for lolz over playing seriouslly when the other team is trolling make you a bad player. Would you get mad at them.

I also want to apologize to the other player I was dual queing with who seemed pretty pissed at me. I'm sorry I know I could have done better. I'm sorry...