So if any of you are interested in making a build for champions, I'm going to list champions that need better guides. The ones that are listed will have top rated guides that are either 88% or below. You can check out these guides and promote them/upvote, or, if you think you can do better, make a guide for these champions. Good luck!

It will be listed in the following layout: Champion - Top rated Build percentage/Creator/Other Notes (if any)

Annie - 88%/Keondre ft. CasterMaster/Apparently downvoted due to trollers

Brand - 85%/C4K3COOKIEZ

Cho'Gath - 83%/X Da Reaper/There used to be one that was fine but now it's expired.

Darius - 78%/OTGBionicArm/I'm surprised it's this low

Draven - 84%/Ketski/Not that bad since he just came out, doing much better than Darius

Evelynn - 87%/A Red Feather/It's Evelynn, so nobody really cares lol, jk. Used to be Hybrid top rated build

Graves - 88%/Robo Ninja Monkey/Used to be a higher rated build but it expired.

Hecarim - 84%/Silverseer/I don't really blame you guys, Hecarim is a bit difficult to build.

Karthus - 79%/Swagrid/I believe CasterMaster is planning on making a build soon

Kennen - 84%/Vitigam/Used to be a higher rated build but expired

Kog'Maw - 87%/Mowen/Please don't hurt me Mowen lol.

LeBlanc - 86%/Rukevre

Lulu - 86%/Minkey/CasterMaster is also making a Lulu build

Lux - 88%/Koksei

Master Yi - 88%/Zoki/Dunk.

Mordekaiser - 82%/VKZ95/Unforgiven's was really popular but I think he didn't have the time to update it anymore

Poppy - 86%/Belgarius/There was "Poppy - A scary carry", but it expired

Renekton - 88%/RosePheonix/Interior Crocodile Alligator

Riven - 88%/BeeSwarm17/ Riven's been out for a while...

Shyvana - 87%/RedWarewolf/DRAGON BORN!

Taric - 84%/Thelegends1111/Used to be a higher rated one, expired.

Tryndamere - 87%/Apotheosis/Right click.

Urgot - 88%/BigFatCow/Used to be a higher rated one but it's expired

Varus - 83%/Arpadon

Viktor - 88%/Agarol/Really underplayed

Xin Zhao - 86%/Calibern/Not seen too often nowadays

Please, do not take offense if your build has been listed above. I have listed them to promote or inspire others to make builds for these champions.