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1) typos and grammatical errors that hurt my eyes
2) no intention to correct them (as you stated yourself)
3) tried out the build, i struggled to survive before gunblade
4) your whole attitude pisses me off ("******S CANT UNDERSTAND MY GUIDE!!!!!!")
if you try to argument with "you downvote the grammatical errors, not the guide", you have to consider, that the guide doesnt only consist of the cheatsheet, some nice pictures and your childish spamming, but also formatting and grammar.
have a nice day
ps.: it would be better, if you dont reupload that guide a third time. thank you
So i not gonna work on grammar if 15 downvote and no one can see it anymore because of it.
I did a guide for you not for me, i know play her.
Down for grammar and no for the guide XD
Where?Say it i can correct.
Strange items combinations What is strange?
So, each ability has a base damage that DOES NOT CHANGE based on your AD and for this reason katarina should be built pure AP. With a good AP build katarina's shunpo will deal a goodhampion.
EPIC JOKE OF THE YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I gonna respond really clearly:YOUR THE BIGGEST TROLLS OF THE MONTH.
you don't even know play Kat and you speak??AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Look:Explanation: Katarina throws a dagger that bounces from enemy to enemy, dealing magic damage.
Katarina throws a dagger that hits up to 2/3/4/5/6 enemies, dealing 60/95/130/165/200 (+0.35) magic damage. Each subsequent hit deals 10% less damage.
Explanation: Katarina goes into a state of extreme focus, throwing daggers with unrivaled speed at up to three nearby champions.
Katarina goes into a state of extreme focus, throwing 10 daggers over 3 seconds at the closest 3 enemy champions. Each dagger deals 50/65/80 (+0.25) magic damage.
Yeah i did a mistake because i paste skills without ratio AD but normally everyone know that Kat have AD ratio on BB and Ulti except this pro Katarina who try to teach how Katarina works
0.8 agaisnt 0.35 for Bouncing Blades and 0.5 for Death Lotus you don't trust me go put your mouse on the picture of the skills in the guide or here or in another site
her killer insticts are pretty much useless so i only take one point in that at lvl 5 once both bouncing and shunpo are lvl 2 - i max shunpo first and then bouncing but i alternate between them every lvl so they both max by level 13
Worse up of skill that i never saw.You must max one ability for the cd or you gonna be useless and deal less damage.
couple tanks to take care of with no real damage output left to destroy your team.
You never see a real tank like amumu who deal damage by pv?
Or darius?
Maybe you know that exist offtank like Olaf or Lee sin ,GP,Singed?
exhaust the enemy
i tryed exhaust.
really fun game not 2 for me sry.
First action i exhaust the enemy instead of ignite him just flash with 10hp ggggggggg!!!
2nd action 1vs3 same things one flash with 20hp and can't refresh my cd because no kill so i w8 the shunpo and!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3e No was already too much.
AP/AD hybrid simply because you will rarely use your basic attack due to your skills having a fast CD.
Shunpo autohit its automatic!
And i had an offtank purely AD build who is the main of this guide.
i thought you can learn something but i see that you can't.