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However I would recommend you to use full AD Marks + Quints because his q (1.2 AD) and e (1.0 bonus AD) scale really hard and his e deals magic damage so he won't profit from it. Additionally AD scales with his passives making both his autoattacks and his ghouls stronger. The more damage the e ghoul deals the more healing you will recieve.
I suggest you try to skip the Manamune and go for an early Glacial Shroud. You will be a lot harder to kill and gank.
Against AD: Sapphire -> Glacial -> Phage -> Sheen -> Tri Force -> Maw of Malmortius and/or GA -> Frozen Heart
Against AP: Sapphire -> Hexdrinker -> Phage -> Sheen + Sapphire -> Tri Force -> Glacial Shroud -> Maw of Malmortius -> GA -> Frozen Heart
In my opinion,the two must masteries that you should always take in top lane (and jungle) and Tough Skin and Indomitable .In every trade,you will be taking minion damage,so with these masteries every single hit from minions will be reduced by -4 damage.10 hits from minons equals to +40 health,and if your opponent does not have those two masteries he will have -40 health.[A more indepth video : 1:43].Also,yorick has mana issues so why you don't take the Meditation mastery!?!?!?In my opinion these changes HAVE to be made.But who am i.
As Yorick, you won't usually go in trades. You just poke the **** out of your enemies, so, minions won't be hitting as often. About mana regen, there's a reason. I'm a fan of MS. Really, i need to take Swiftness instead, the faster you are, the better.
I don't like your masteries,if you want my godlike suggestions feel free to ask me.
Ohh then gimme a godlike suggestion :P
I find it's NOT east against Fiora since she can use her passive on your ghouls, anyone else had this problem? It might have been a one off thing for me :D
Her passive regen is NOTHING compared to your sustain. You should and will beat her.
I find it's NOT east against Fiora since she can use her passive on your ghouls, anyone else had this problem? It might have been a one off thing for me :D
Have only gone against 2 Fioras but both of them could hardly do anything even under their own turret.. :)) But yes that passive, if used correctly can be annoying.