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If you are going to vote down at least say why.....
A really good start! I don't play Heimerdinger much myself, but could try more of him based on this guide.
Thanks Man! Hopefully It works for you.
I have read your guide troughoutly. It is well constructed and you seem to have explained a bit. What I especially liked was that you took the time to take a picture with drawn arrows to show how to place towers. The way you have shown it is perfect for zoning opponents. Never looked at it like that. Also very nice you have added a section solely to explaning how to ward. There are a few things I miss here though, I will name them one by one.
It is really important to showcase your text in a proper way. If you have big chunks of text that are hard to read trough, nobody will bother reading your guide in-depth. You will have to make your text attractive to read. You can do this by displaying your text in short/small chunks of well presented text, supported with a header, like I did over here. There is one amazing guide that will explain you everything about BB Code. By reading things off of this guide, you can improve your own guide termendously. Just take your time (20 minutes) to learn BB Code from that guide, and use it in your own guide. The guide is made by jhoijhoi. Click here to visit her guide.
Your guide seems a little thin on information, and it is not well presented. With not well presented I mean the colour-scheme you have used. Every alinea of text is having a different colour, and this makes it very hard to read (especially for me xD). Apart from that it doesn't look slim and professional. Try keeping every single part of your texting a single color.
For example, all your basic text, like the text I am writing now will remain white.
Then the header above it will remain orange, like I did here.
Then you could keep the acknowledgements red (Video made by blablabla).
That way you will give your text a great structure, other than giving every part of text a different color. Secondly, you might want to make your guide a little bigger according to text.
There are many parts that could have had some more words of explanation. For example, the items.
You only have one rule there that explains something. But in my opinion you should explain every single item you add in your build. Some questions you could answer are : "why do you build this for heimerdinger", "how does this item benefit the runes and masteries and abilities you have chosen according this guide". Everything can be explained. Not too much people will read it right now, but when you present it properly, they will take the time, maybe even an hour, to read the entire guide. "Just because the text looked inviting <3".
I have been looking trough your guide. You are missing a few important sections every guide should actually have.. (not that my guide has everything.. ssst =P). For example, you are missing a 'Proof of Concept' section. You have to show the readers that this guide actually works.
Print-screen your match history which contains 3 - 6 games with Heimerdinger you've won or at least had a positive Kill/Death/Assist ratio on. This makes people more comfortable about reading your guide, and using it when they play Heimer. I'm also missing a 'Runes' and 'Masteries'
section in which you should explain some more about why you have choosen it and how it benefits Heimerdinger. Lastly you could explain a little more about the ability sequence you use during a teamfight. Questions occur like "In what order do I use my abilities when I want to nuke someone down", "How does smart-casting work with heimerdinger", "When should I activate my ultimate".
I hope I could help you a little with this in-depth review about your guide. I think you are a really nice guy and I would love to up-vote the guide, but right now it seems a little incomplete to me. There are many things that are missing or are not well presented.
If you can change a couple of these things (you don't have to change everything), then PM me and I will be back for a nice up-vote for you!.
You personally PMéd me to give you a review, so a review I have given ;).
Good luck with it,
I will speak you once you shaped it a little!,
Take Care,
Ex Vi.
Voted up
Thanks man. Glad you liked it.
First off, I don't specifically see what lane this guide is for. Is it mid, top, or support? I just don't understand it. Next, it would be important to explain what you should do as Heimerdinger early, mid, and late game to help explain his purpose. Also, it is important to mention who you should play Heimerdinger against and who you shouldn't play him against and why. Lastly, a section on Heimerdinger's turrets to show where you should put them would greatly benefit the guide, allowing everyone to be a skilled player with this unique champion.
Other than that, this is a solid guide, so I'll give you a +1.
Lastly, if you get the time, come check out my Jax guide :)