I'm sick of this attitude in normals (I don't play ranked, so I dunno what goes on there) that if you don't go with the meta, satan is going to be summoned to rip out your soul and rape your body till is doesn't exist anymore.

Story Time! So I choose urgot, and my buddy that I'm on skype with chooses leona, so we call bot lane. Then this guy on our team goes "no urgot go top, not bot. urgot is not ad carry". So I tell the guy that me and leona are on skype and that it doesn't matter if I'm an ad carry or not. Then he gets mad at me because no one is jungling. So I tell him,

"If you want a jungler so bad, then play a jungler"

"Well, if I do that, who will play mid?"

"If no one calls it, I will"

But this guy wants to play mid, doesn't want to jungle, and is a little hypocrite weiner, so he proceeds to rage and tell me that "urgot's AA range is ****", and basically that I'm an idiot and we're gonna lose. So we ignore him and go bot.

Long story short, we rape their team and they surrender at 20. Me and my friend are like, "so, urgot is ****, right?" and of course he makes up an excuse and says the other team is bad. I hate people on league.