So, game 3 (4 technically), I went in confident. I picked jax, one of my favorite characters. Unfortunately, Trynd was picked, and I knew this was going to be a terrible game. So we have a guy that calls mid, and he says it's his best position, so we all agree to let him have it. Except for one person, who isn't talking. Then, the guy who isn't talking picks zyra. So we adapt, but we tell him to communicate with us.

Game starts, zyra won't leash for Lee Sin at red, so I do. Lee Sin dies, calls it a "glitch". He comes back, doesn't wait for me to leash and goes at it. Then he disconnects and dies. The SAME THING HAPPENS 4 TIMES. So I'm level 7, and this guy is level 1. Finally he's stable.

I destroy top lane against voli, mid lane zyra feeds TF HARD, bot lane does okay, and Trynd has pretty much been denied anything. Later in the game, we starting beating them in team fights and then push, slowly. We repeat this, and I got incredifed. Trynd has been getting a few kills here and there, and then suddenly, he starts RAPING our team. He's like 8-11 and he starts destroying us. zyra keeps dying before teamfights because she gets caught and then we lose fights.

So then I tell zyra to build a WotA, because it'll help me out a lot. She doesn't build it after 8 minutes, she build a null magic mantle and something else. Then I tell her again, no answer. Then I asked if zyra spoke english. "no speak english". -.- So I tell her to build it in short sentences, and I think she gets it. But she never built it. So at the end, ali gets caught, so I decide to back door because we have super minions going into their base. I get there and take out two inhibs, and then draven and TF come to kill me. I look top, and zyra has disconnected, so our jayce and lee sin get oberwhelmed by their ashe, Trynd, and voli. Then we lose. I finally look at the score.

Zyra went 3-12
Ali went 6-13
Jayce went 13-8
Lee sin went 5-11
and I went 19-7

I'm so pissed right now.