Over a year and a half ago, I signed up to League of legends. I played on and off for about a week before I got distracted with shiny things. Earlier this year, I signed up for a special promotion with Blizzard which gave a free copy of Diablo 3 if you agreed to pay for a year subscription to World of Warcraft. I played a lot of Diablo 3 (I was a long-time fan of the franchise) before some patches nerfed the game to a point where it wasn't enjoyable for me anymore.
Some former guildies that I was friends with over Facebook said that they'd started playing League of Legends heavily, and that got me thinking that it was time to start playing again. And so I returned to a game that I'd enjoyed for a short period of time previously and left for no good reason. It was baffling that I ever stopped playing, but I have had to relearn and adjust to changes to a game that has added a multitude of new champions since I first started playing it.
Things I have learned since returning:
    Save up for runes and don't spend IP on them until you hit level 20, otherwise you will waste a lot of currency.
[list=2]Yordles are awesome! So much so that I intend to collect them all, Pokemon style. :-D
[list=3]Some players like to talk about how awesome they are (and rag on other players), even if their gameplay dictates otherwise.
[list=4]Tea and coffee are great for warming up frozen hands during these colder months. This technique will help avoid some deaths and increase kills, but sometimes you just suck on the day.
[list=5]I need to look for a Tristana-inspired gaming beanie... Yes, I do adore her.
[list=6]I need some serious computer upgrades as my gaming machine is on the way out. :-(
[list=7]The number seven is more epic than six.

(Sorry about the poor editing skills. Will format correctly a bit later.)