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I really liked her but i didn't know what items to buy so i checked moba fire for a guide.
First i used another guide but then i checked for others and your item choise is really nice.
So thank you for the help
I understand what ya mean about rushing the Zhonya's and I think I'll write on that in the guide, but for me personally, I play careful enough that I don't really die until late game and rack up good enough kills/assists to up the damage even more before I get to the team fights where that becomes a necessity.
Ah ok. Yea I will expand on the Black Shield usage. This is my first guide and was hard to think on when you actually use the skills and such in game lol. I'll try and add more detail into those situations. Thanks.
And going for Tormented Soil first over Dark Binding I didn't go into too much depth on the guide I know... I just said depending on how I play and who I'm against. So I will go in and redo parts of that as well. I do this on occasion and against certain champs especially. It is really good to drop the creeps that much faster, but I tend to play harass on enemy champs over max creep kills. I still out creep kill or, at worst, stay even with my laning opponent. So with me getting Dark Binding first, letting them push the lane by me being less focused on early creeps, it gives me major life-chunking ability and I can land solo kills as early as Lvl 2-3 if they aren't careful. If they push all the way to my turret, I can kill them 8/10 times before they can retreat past theirs; unless they do use flash.
And I'm going back and forth right now with those builds (21/0/9 & 9/0/21) to get a better idea and explain what I like about them and compare. I've been staying pretty even with them, although as of late, the 9/0/21 build has been leaning more on the assist side.
Ex of last 3 games for each:
9/0/21 Build = Game 1: 6/3/14, Game 2: 8/4/22, Game 3: 5/2/10
21/0/9 Build = Game 1: 11/5/7, Game 2: 12/4/6, Game 3: 11/5/10
So I don't know yet. I think with the damage of the 21/0/9 build, I get more aggressive and sometime over-confident as you can see by the increase in deaths.. But I'm going to continue playing more on those and adjust playing style so maybe I make less mistakes/get too aggressive. If I can do that and still keep up the kill numbers, then I think I will be siding with you and that 21/0/9.
Your view/comment/and +1 are much appreciated. Thanks!
However, I believe that rushing Zhonya's Hourglass is the best possible item in almost any situation (after boots, of course), due to her being targeted so much. Just pop into a team fight, let them target you, Ult, then quickly use zhonya's (Your ult continues to chain even while in stasis).
Also, if you have the time, I highly suggest you put in a section on when to use her Black Shield. For example, whenever Nunu uses his ult, always use your shield on him; a teammate running away from a CC heavy team; etc.
I highly suggest you try maxing Tormented Soil first, and get Dark Binding last. At level ~3 Tormented Soil, you can kill the sorcerer creeps with one cast. Using the extra burst damage at the beginning, you can use it to effectively harass the enemy. I usually get Dark Binding last because the damage isn't that great, and its more often used for its snare than its damage.
Also, Morgana is a viable Solo top if someone like Talon wants mid, and you have a jungler such as Jarvan IV.
(Also, just a personal preference, I'd rather have a 21/0/9 instead of a 9/0/21 :D)