Why not!
Introductions. I should probably start with one of those in my first blog, maybe.
I'm Taruzard.
I'm an alcoholic.

But seriously.
I'm a silly brit.
Just a silly brit.

I've only come back to the game for about a month, now. I played late 2010, and stopped around the time Lee Sin was added to the game.

I've gone from level 10 to 23.
And I'm still bad at this game.
I think. Maybe.
I dont know. Maybe it's just cause I got carried by level 30s earlier on so my hidden ELO is higher than normal.
But anyway
I'm in love with Poppy. Her playstyle is awesome, and I love just bopping people down with my giant hammer at their turret while their team mate watches helpless because of my Ultimate.
Annie is another favourite, and my first bought champ in 2010.
These two were my first champions since low levels, and I love them both.
I've also recently discovered Teemo.
If I had the choice, I'd play Poppy most games. But Teemo is alot easier to win with (accidental killsteals=fatty teemo!)
I want to get decent to the point that as Poppy I can atleast just get to late game vs any lane, but I really need runes, so I pick Annie/Teemo more often than her.

Also, solo queue anxiety (and I'm only 23!), I find it hard to solo queue normals! NORMALS! Anyone have any kind of advice? I usually duo/trio queue, and half the time it's with level 30s so it's even harder on me, because they make me go jungle Warwick (A role I'm really rusty with. WHEN DO I GANK GUYS? Pre lv 6 is horrible!)

TL;DR: Hi, MobaFire!