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Anyways +1.
I love the setup and you did a good job on pictures/formatting/coding etc. Also really liked how the item section was kinda playful, get this, or this, or this blahblah.
Im not the most experienced Rengar player but a few things I can suggest:
1. With your solo-top rune set-up, most of the time MR/Lvl Glyph's are the rune of choice. Most top lanes pack almost exclusively AD and by the time big aggression starts from your oponent, only usually 1 move does magic and that is around 3 or 4. If you are against AP top, flats would help rengar out quickly.
2. Never played HP quints on Rengar but, do you often go for the lvl 1 instakill? AD quints are stronger for this. Also if there isn't a section on this strategy, I'd add one. The level one kill on Rengar dominates most Pub and low elo ranked games. I'd say the easiest way to counter Lee sin is with this strategy.
3. Your jungle rengar build doesn't get ANY dorans. I feel this could put you weak off early, (not sure,) just speculation. Alot of junglers not in need of wriggle's like a doran blade or 2. For example, jungle riven or jarvan. If it works, feel free to do it, but I might add a note to say if they are falling behind to grab doran blades. Some people won't be as confident as you and can't afford a BF sword rush.
4. For your jungle masteries (Excuse my lack of name knowledge, too lazy to check,) I might suggest going:
2 Points in Defense, +4 armor total,
2 Points in minion block, -2 minion damage
4 Points in HP/LVL
1 Point veteran scars.
Just personal preference but the extra HP will help you.
All in All, amazing guide man :D
As for the Doran's Ring and Doran's Sword try changing that, because since the nerf, no one buys them now, but if you change that, and some miner grammar errors will be on your way to the top because you have shown me that you have some good knowledge about Rengar mechanics and potencial
Wriggle's Lantern is a good item >.>
Cheap sustain and a good amount of armor.
It's situational tho, and it is a wasted item on rengar as he already has good clear/sustain.
Cheap sustain and a good amount of armor.
Because I do a lot of solo-top, that's where I'm going to put all my focus.
First of all, your skilling order is completely impossible. You can't max a skill before level 9 no matter how hard you try.
Secondly, I have no idea why you are going for a defensive item as a first thing. Rengar has an amazing early game and AD is only going to improve it. Also, rushing warmogs is a terrible idea unless you're Dr. Mundo.
Ignite provides you with more damage overall and will help you get a level 2-3 first blood. That's preference however.
Why are you splitting your focus in masteries between Vigor and Durability ? Either get 3 points in one or the other. 1 HP5 is not going to do hardly anything.
Also, clean the guide up a bit. There are a lot of tags sticking out there doing nothing as well as spaces missing.
With that, I say good day sir/madam.