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+1 good concept, something different from all the other builds.
A few points I don't understand.
You bring up some good points. For starters, when you say you can't rely on bandage toss, you are slightly wrong. As long as you can aim right, you'll pack a punch and should be able to take them out. You flip on Despair and bandage toss then. Since it comes with a stun, you pull a tantrum directly after that (since the CD is lowered each time you hit). You lay a few attacks, throw another tantrum, and by that time they are either dead, or very close to it. Even if you are up against a tank, the ones with health will get annihilated by Despair, and the ones that build up armor and Magic reset, get torn to shreads by what this build is designed to do.
And when you say that you going ahead of your team, you will take too much damage, you don't do that. You stay BEHIND your team and let despair do the work, and throw a Bandage Toss when they start to flee, or even your ultimate, Curse of the Sad Mummy. This guide focuses on a great way to solo, and if you are playing 3v3, works best when top. Like I stated in strategy guide, if you are in piles of minions, always try to have your passive MR reduction on them if you have despair active.
Shureyla's - this item is, well, it doesn't fit with my build. I see why you say this, but you do NOT need any more mana regen, and if you do just take Clarity instead of heal. Since you build for Archangel's Staff, which gives 25 mana regen per 5, that pretty much lets you have despair on as long as you want. And, with Amumu's Tantrum, it's pretty easy to build up those stacks of extra mana. So no, I don't think shurelya's reverie would fit.
Also, you say that you are thinking of making a guide similar to this. Please, give me credit :\. Even if it's a spinoff with many improvements, the idea did originate from me. ;)
A few points I don't understand.
I think you could improve that build. I might try something similar to what you did here on 5v5 jungle (what I play normally) but I really don't see why Amumu should be concentrating so much on Damage. You are a CC king, why not let your team help you with those helpless enemies?
Please +rep and have a look at my Amumu jungle guide.
Secondly, he can easily get near the enemy with his Bandage toss.
Thirdly, you can't always go with the flow. Saying Amumu is a tank doesn't mean anything to me. This build is an effective, non-tank method with Amumu, that, if I may, I do very well with. And if you drop AP items, you won't have anything to use that dropped MR on. This Amumu build works very well when soloing.
And if you read the description, you would know that you NEED Archangel's staff for both Mana and another AP source. The point is, this guide isn't conventional, it's not a tank, and it still does well.
*I will +rep you if you +rep me*
Amumu is a tank, and damage isnt his main priority, if you want to stack magic resist lowering items, go ahead, but in order for this to be effective, you must realize that you have to be near the enemy. Tantrum and Despair both require you to be around the enemy, and you also need your autoattacks for Malady, so if you want the MR loss concept still going, drop your AP items like Rabadon's Deathcap and Archangel's Staff for more defense. Nice guide :)
if i made sense check out my janna build in return? Pwetty Pwease? :3