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Kayle Build Guide by KingYoshi

The one and only Kayle Guide - Screw thats fool

The one and only Kayle Guide - Screw thats fool

Updated on November 25, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KingYoshi Build Guide By KingYoshi 0 11 9,575 Views 3 Comments
0 11 9,575 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KingYoshi Kayle Build Guide By KingYoshi Updated on November 25, 2011
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marcelinomasterwar | December 9, 2012 4:50pm
Caislean wrote:

You suck at this game, and you should uninstall right now. You have half a guide, I'll give you that much. But you can't even decide on runes, and only made this "guide" out of spite. You obviously have no real experience playing Kayle, and have only stomped noobs. If you had actually played against someone who knew what the hell was going on, they'd have shut your **** down in 3 minutes. AP Kayle is extremely late game, and sucks. Please read this and then kill yourself.

lol agreed
Caislean (1) | October 15, 2012 6:09pm
You suck at this game, and you should uninstall right now. You have half a guide, I'll give you that much. But you can't even decide on runes, and only made this "guide" out of spite. You obviously have no real experience playing Kayle, and have only stomped noobs. If you had actually played against someone who knew what the hell was going on, they'd have shut your **** down in 3 minutes. AP Kayle is extremely late game, and sucks. Please read this and then kill yourself.
AdamSS (6) | September 27, 2012 9:14am
I just saw this message now since i havn't been on in so long and i must say, i havn't laughed this much in a long time. Kid your a joke. No offense but your build is horrible, as so your knowledge of the game. First of all you promote hybrid builds yet you dont even know how to play, you dont even level up your Q till the very end when it is your only nuke? having 30-0-0 masteries....That is just hilarious..YOU HAVE ZERO knowledge of how to play. Its beyond bad how bad you are. You dont believe in last hitting? You ******ed? Plus you say you ahvnt made up your mind about runes nor do you have any? ROFL?! You serious kid? Your just bad. Either stick your head outta you're arse and learn from people who know the game or stop ranting about what is write and wrong.

And since you were being a ****head ill just post this comment up here to everyone can see, not that people will look at this build.

"KingYoshi on July 15, 2012 6:14am | block

i just read your guide and thought to myself...oh my god, can one really be that stupid?
Your Build is the biggest **** i've ever seen. If you wanna play an ad, dont play kayle.

Your Comparison between AD and Hybrid Kayle is just Hilarious ^^ "first 3 items for Hybrid Kayle" - for sure my friend! who needs Boots or Nashor xDD
How old are you? 12?

By the Way, Lifesteal dosnt stack on Kayles E-skill, so its completly USELESS, like the whole guide ^^

the saddest thing is that you got 89% for this **** xD"
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The one and only Kayle Guide - Screw thats fool

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