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Hey just was reading to see if there was anything to improve on my guide and was just wondering if you ever start boots and 3 pots? Something i've been experimenting with that has a lot of success, especially mid lane against skill shot champs (obviously the most useful against). What are your thoughts?
I used to, and I sometimes (but rarely) still do. It REALLY depends, though. I'd say that for someone who's still practicing with Morde in the beginning, they should probably choose boots and 3 pots for that sustainability. I think that if I end up laning against a specific champ for the first time, and not entirely sure how to react to their abilities and appropriate playstyle, I would probably pick up the boots and potions and hug within turret range for the first few minutes to figure them out.
The main reason I choose either shield, regrowth, or amplifying tome is because of my playstyle and comfortability with Mordekaiser. I usually play really safe, no matter the lane, and focus on farming, rather than over-harassing the enemy champ. But I am all for boots and potions starting out. I guess it just depends on the person and their playstyle/comfortability with Morde and/or whoever they're up against in lane.
worst build I have ever seen for morde and you downvoted all other mordekaiser guides for ******** reasons
Was actually considering changing my vote as it turns out I was mistaken about the spell vamp stacks, and that was my fault. And I actually didn't downvote all other morde guides. But that's fine.
The only other thing that needs fixed is maybe the coding for reading. I also would like to discuss your starting items, as I have had numerous debates over the use of doran's shield. Are there any champions you DONT use doran's top? An example would be singed, who I would instead get regrowth pendant.
Yes, you're right. I don't always use Doran's Shield when I'm playing solo top, although I do most of the time. It is enemy champ-dependent, and I'll pick up the regrowth pendant against champs like Singed. Thanks for that, will include it also.