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Poppy Build Guide by Belgarius

AD Offtank [S5] Poppy - Dominating Solo-Top!

AD Offtank [S5] Poppy - Dominating Solo-Top!

Updated on June 8, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Belgarius Build Guide By Belgarius 470 64 5,302,439 Views 265 Comments
470 64 5,302,439 Views 265 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Belgarius Poppy Build Guide By Belgarius Updated on June 8, 2015
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Nakopa | October 10, 2015 6:38am
Last whisper seems a little useless, since your core damage is magical
mecoboy26q | August 9, 2015 10:57pm
amigo, me puedes indicar como distribuir las maestrias de poppy, es que no las vi en la guia.

mollardq (1) | May 20, 2015 6:47am
This champ is so broken... great guide though :)
tonk1991 | March 1, 2015 1:43pm
Great Guide, first time playing as poppy and went 25/0.
ArgusGaming (3) | February 20, 2015 3:06pm
I have always been sceptic about Essence Reaver, but when I have tried Poppy lately I always feel that I am empty for mana. I tried your build out and it worked well for me. I will also read your guide. Thinking about taking Poppy with me to ranked and play her more then just for having fun in normals.
Kalaaver (32) | February 9, 2015 4:23pm
I would verify that you are Diamond so people know this is a Diamond guide.
Belgarius (11) | January 13, 2015 2:57pm
I will update the Guide for Season 5 mate. It will be a total new Update and will be optimized aswell. Already started working on it brothers! Hold on!
Xp1re | December 28, 2014 7:37am
could you think about updating this guide to preseason 5 or do you think this is viable enough?
UnluckyPanda (1) | November 28, 2014 7:11pm
I like this a lot but I would prefer Static Shiv then PD
any0ne | October 21, 2014 11:16am
Thanks a bunch for this guide. I have only played 7 games so far but dominated in all but 1....6/7 games so far....I have even slightly adapted it to jungle when I don't get top lane. I would recommend this guide to anyone, newbies and even good players. Poppy is so underestimated in game with this guide the damage is scary I mean its freaking scary, I pull on a full tanky health vlad over 1k hits. IE crits of roughly 700-900+ and roughly 300-500 q hit, on a squishy it goes up to roughly 1.6k-2k dmg.

**edit forgot to mention the game that was lost...we had one dc, an ******* jungler who raged all game and an adc who quit after 7-10mins. and not to mention I purchased one item wrong early
Neo Azure | September 29, 2014 9:30pm
Amazing guide, had a blast taking down people with it. I'll keep using it in hopes of going into rank with it :)
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