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Nami Build Guide by sift

AD Carry Nami Mid: Unstoppable (very much under construction)

AD Carry Nami Mid: Unstoppable (very much under construction)

Updated on December 24, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author sift Build Guide By sift 13 14 47,473 Views 18 Comments
13 14 47,473 Views 18 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author sift Nami Build Guide By sift Updated on December 24, 2012
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Phisher730 | February 26, 2013 1:54pm
Before reading the comments to this build guide I didn't have a Mobafire account. But after reading them, I felt the need to create one.

I just got Nami in an aram, and was looking at Mobafire to see what my options were for carrying the team. I have played Nami as support, but didn't really know a damage build.

The guide is not complete, which he points out before you even enter the guide. So expecting a complete guide is kind of pointless. I don't think anyone should down vote a guide unless they personally tried it out, and didn't care for it. If people don't want to read incomplete guides, then don't view guides that are under construction. Don't up or down vote them, just ignore them. Leave the voting to the people who have tried it out and then want to give constructive criticism like 531st. I am sure that quite a few people in here just saw an incomplete idea and down voted.

If he hadn't of posted his idea (albeit not completed) I wouldn't have thought to try out AD Nami. Given, I would personally build her differently for AD, but I still enjoyed trying out his idea.

The sad thing is that people have down voted his guide to the point of being in the 40% approval rating. And that scares a lot of people away from even trying out the idea, whether its decent or not. It almost kept me away from it. The guide needs work, but I still enjoyed it.
531st | January 18, 2013 5:36pm
Well, I see I'm not he only one thought about damaging Nami. AP Nami is not doing much damage at late game 'cuz of horrible AP ratings, support nami is just walking auras doing no damage at all and her heal cant even match taric, soraka or even kayle. And the ad version can even do some damage...
Here r some suggestions 4 dat:
-The +30 to heal and +30 to damage ins't so good to max the W first. And she gets mana hungry cuz costs are increasing too. And no cooldown reducion. You can alternatively max Q for better CD which means better CC and even with no AP it does quite a punch at early game. It also lets you farm better cuz it have AoE.
Or increasing E which stacks awesome with AD. That slow is just godly useful. If you have movement runes/masteries or boots with 3rd move the running away champs will not have a chance. It does help jungler as hell, it increase harassing capabilities if enemy already done his burst damage and need to pull back 4 to cooldown. With AD build that extra 3-4 shots you can do much better than extra 30 damage with W.

Zee items:
-The Manamune works great. Gives you enough mana to stay on lane, gives more AD and when transformed to muramana gives extra 100-150 damage with each blow.
-I think sheen will be ok with that build. It gives you a little AP which is not super effective but do gives you some minor bonuses and makes enemy thing that ur going to build AP. When transformed to iceborn gauntlet, you can do a little bit more AoE damage with slow, have some armor agains AD champs, have a little bit faster cooldowns which is good for that 10sec+ abilities.
-Blade of runed king can be alternative to bloodthirster. It does % of hp as damage and with a first blows makes enemy nervous about your autoattack damage. It also have nice active which can let you survive a little bit longer. You will not have huge HP so that about 300 extra HP and slow would come in handy.
-Infinity age? Well, it give a nice crit damage increase but it isnt very reliable with low crit chance. Ghostblade with its penetrate, AS, active and crit chance would make a nice addition. Especially with blade of ruined king. Or maybe phantom dancer. No creep collision and some extra movement speed would work well.
-Spirits Visage? Well, i do not understand that part.
-Frozen mallet will allow you to spread the slow casting E on teammates and will make you look fat enough to make you not the primary target to focus. Or you can build trinity force to have a little bit of everything i've typed above :P
-Sunfire cape? Nah, you sould be hitting from outside the teamfight in order to not get crushed. Fire aura would be wasted. Survivability can be reached with more effective items.
-U can build runic bulwark. It gives huge magic resist, some armor, health and boosts your team. And you look supporty that way. This will shut the butthurting guys up for a moment :D
-The furor boots upgrade will work nice with your E. Also can help you to escape chasing with E by slowing enemies and speeding up youruself with boots+passive.
-All other items are awright :P

Thats a nice build, a damaging nami is smth not so boring and as it is the only not-support nami guide, have a +1 :3

P.S. Sry if i sound like a jerk, i am a jerk :P
xXMinionBotXx | January 11, 2013 10:07pm
Do more! I really like the guide, and I'v been trying out this guide, and so far-nice results :D (of course, that was against bots...)
GreywolfN527 (1) | January 7, 2013 3:19pm
seriously guys, i believe the GUIDE is quite complete. the item build is there, the runes and masteries should depend on your taste. if you are after a complete GUIDE, then that's spoon feeding. Grow up!
GreywolfN527 (1) | January 7, 2013 3:14pm
an upvote for you. Doesn't matter if it's incomplete. this is where you study things and apply the theories you have in mind. I had tried a build similar to this and I strongly agree with the author's idea. also pls keep in mind that Nami has the same concept with EZ and Sona to name a few as they have the same creator or was created with colaboration of the creator of the other champs that i mentioned.

AD Sona summoner here..
DRiZaRD (3) | January 2, 2013 4:53pm
I wouldn't trust this guide until i see results as nami an ad carry in mid (Proofs i mean)

I have played her some times as ap, and she is quit strong, but not that to shut opponent, and her cd's are not the basic harassment, to win lane as nami in mid you have to really pwn your opponent, or he must be really kind of sh... .
Machalann | January 2, 2013 1:54pm

So i tried your build cause i like the idea of an unexpected one :)
First to know, it was my first time nami, and against bots. But i think, it could work with a bit more skills.
I found that I laked attack speed,and cdr for the infinite edge...

I will try more games, and let you know if i find something interesting.

( And for those who downvote because it's not pretty and not complete, i'm not sure it's fair because he precise in the title that it's "in construction" so if someone does'nt want to read something not complete he can just go see the best guide. I thinnk it's an honest way to share is idea and reflexions. I'm glad he did it.)

Have a good Day
sift (1) | December 24, 2012 1:58am

Oh and the link is irrelevant.

It's depressing you think that. Education is falling to the wayside in this day and age.

Kachompz wrote:

Look at any of the top rated guides they all go in depth about every ability including passives, yours has a few sentences regarding the benefits of ebb and flow. You base half your arguments around the point that your guide is still "very much under construction" and now your trying to argue that completion is speculative? If you spent half as much time on your guide then you did arguing you would of actually did something constructive.

Actually no, I was arguing that the completion is subjective. Blatantly. But your last sentence is, more or less, the overarching theme I've been pushing. Odd that you missed that. Since undertones are probably wasted here, my point has been: Don't post comments to the tune of "this is incomplete" when the author, himself, denotes the piece as incomplete. It's pointless, and it's not constructive. You've arrived at the same conclusion I have through entirely different means, so I'll give you a little bit of credit, however you're contributing to the problem on the wrong side in my opinion.

sirell, I'm sorry but get your attention elsewhere. Your post is of the exact sort that the entirety of my end of the discussion is against. So I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on intelligence and assume you're trolling. But your counterpoints are more contrived than mine even were.

I really like the idea of Nami going mid, because I think she is better in that lane. I will upvote because of the idea, but more people will like it because it is finished. If I were you, Iwould not publish it until it is done.

Upvote aside, your post has reminded me--in a remarkably timely fashion--that there are some compassionate and sensible players in the League of Legends community. I had just given up hope, too. You're ultimately who this guide was written for, and I think I may continue to polish it should you indeed want more information on the matter--but ultimately the foundations, that is the differences between this specific build and other, more rounded out, Nami builds are entirely contained. I have fleshed out a few mechanics missed by every other guide that can be applied to a support role Nami.

Here's an interesting link that's less relevant than the last one, but ultimately no one read the last one because it didn't involve League of Legends. League of Legends: Changing bad player behavior with neuroscience
For those who don't want to read the article but want to know why it's posted: It talks about how Riot has put together a team to deal with negative feedback in the LoL community--"And there's a lot of really talented folks on that team, including two PhDs. One's a cognitive neuroscientist and one's a behavioral psychologist" Or, in a nutshell, the average League player will go out of their way to provide negative feedback and that's really undesirable.

So let me sort of summarize everything for everyone. Select that which applies to you:

  • If you felt that I did not realize that my guide was unfinished and so decided to comment to tell me that it was unfinished, I thank you. That is positive feedback. If you fall in to this category then I apologize if I seemed out of line. I assure you, however, I do know that the guide is incomplete and I will work on it when I please.
    --- Ultimately this path is a good use of this discussion thread.

  • If you knew by my title, or my chapter headers, or the guide's contents that the guide was incomplete but still decided to comment on or rate the incompleteness of the guide then you're not contributing anything helpful, that is negative feedback, but you should not worry as Riot has put together a team to figure out how they can help you out. [see link posted above]
    --- Ultimately this path is a poor use of this discussion thread.

  • If you're upset with the things I have said and you wish to reiterate them, I assure you that you've mistaken my intentions and very probably what I've written. I view this area as a discussion thread for civil discourse that will ultimately help strengthen play concepts for this build. The initial posts in this discussion thread were not helpful, nor were they inquisitive, and therefore they were not contributing--my replies were also obviously not helpful as they did not revert this discussion thread back into a discussion thread but they lead to more and more entirely useless forum garbage. That was not my intention, and I apologize. I have tried to remain civil, and if you feel insulted then you are misunderstanding.
    --- Ultimately this path is a poor use of this discussion thread.

  • If you've come to post encouragement to my building this build, thanks! But ultimately I would like to use this space to improve a concept which so far has yielded stunning results aside from a few select match-ups.
    --- Ultimately this path is a poor use of this discussion thread.

  • If you've come to post discouragement to my building this build, such as commenting that you do not believe the build is viable, why even bother? It's apparent that you haven't played the build because it is viable--even despite it being atypical. That's why I'm writing the guide. It's something unexpected that works extremely well. My key motivation is to inform you, specifically you, that there are a lot of atypical builds that create a presence in game as good as or in many cases way better than the champion usually holds. Notable examples off the top of my head include AP Gragas (Do you remember when it was frowned at to build him AP? It really was. Crazy.), Yorick when he was first released (When he was released riot, and practically every build you could find on the net pushed him as an AD carry. He was completely nonviable at the roll and could only effectively be played as a tank until they later buffed him. Crazy.), several supports as AD carries (their tool kits usually give them an edge like a massive slow, speed increase, or even invincibility that allow them to make respectable carries. Also crazy.), etc.
    --- Ultimately this path is a poor use of this discussion thread.

  • If you've come here to give me a pointer on how you've made something related to this build more effective, thanks! That's exactly what this section is here for!
    --- Ultimately this path is a good use of this discussion thread.

  • If you've come here to tell me that you've had a poor experience with something specific in this build, and you can tell me exactly how you approached the situation as well as what went wrong, thanks! That's exactly what this section is here for! I'll do everything I can, and hopefully others will too, to try and figure out what went wrong and see if we can find a way to fix the situation.
    --- Ultimately this path is a good use of this discussion thread.

  • If you've come to talk about anything not related to Nami as a mid character, why bother? (I'm included in this category, unfortunately.) It's really not constructive, and it's not like you're going to get anything rewarding out of it. I'm a reasonably anonymous person on the internet and so are the vast majority of your peers on here, so there's really no reason for any form of politicking--and we've been given a really nice, structured system with which we can create tools to improve an environment in which we all spend quite a bit of time: League of Legends. The skill level in our community is remarkably low in comparison to most other competitive game scenes and this website is a place in which we can refine that if that's what we really want to do.
    --- Ultimately this path is a poor use of this discussion thread.

xXMinionBotXx | December 22, 2012 9:04am
I really like the idea of Nami going mid, because I think she is better in that lane. I will upvote because of the idea, but more people will like it because it is finished. If I were you, Iwould not publish it until it is done.
sirell (400) | December 20, 2012 11:25am
Kachompz wrote:

If you spent half as much time on your guide then you did arguing you would of actually did something constructive.


Basically, here's my stand. If you're telling us to judge based on what's there, then it's woefully lacking even if that should be the case. Publishing a guide partially finished and then complaining about downvotes based on that fact is just looking for trouble.

1) A tour guide is a paid professional. (If you want to pay me for my guide, I'll do it to consumer specifications. In this instance, completion.)

GMD was talking about a leaflet or a pamphlet tour. The point being made by her is that presenting something that's half-***ed pleases no one, so don't be too proud of your work.

And your analogy with wikipedia is wrong. They give the information they have - they share what they know. So as far they are concerned, it is a completed work UNTIL something new comes up. But in your case, it is different. 'Under Construction' means that you have further to add than what is already written. You are, in essence, a partially completed Wikipedia page. I'd still read it, of course, but expecting good things to be said is just plain silly.

Blanket generalities are ultimately what led to the Holocaust.

I see Godwin's Law holds true here. Not to mention what you say here is arguably incorrect...

And just to say, if it unsettles you, here's something you can try. You can complete the guide first and then publish it. That way, you won't feel unsettled from the discouragement you get from downvotes caused by an incomplete guide, merely unsettled from criticism on what's written in it.

And to be honest, all you really need to play a champion is their LoLWiki page. A guide is just more in-depth.
Kachompz (2) | December 20, 2012 10:42am
sift wrote:

What is complete? So to you, this is not complete. It contains all of the information you'd need to play the character by the methods I've described--to exacting instances of skill use in some circumstances. Is that not complete? Ultimately, by saying no, you're saying "It's not pretty enough." And that, sir, is half-witted.

Look at any of the top rated guides they all go in depth about every ability including passives, yours has a few sentences regarding the benefits of ebb and flow. You base half your arguments around the point that your guide is still "very much under construction" and now your trying to argue that completion is speculative? If you spent half as much time on your guide then you did arguing you would of actually did something constructive.
Laggermeister (242) | December 20, 2012 10:33am
You're a little proud of nothing. You have three votes, all of them negative.

What you think does not matter. The community disagrees with you. Ask yourself: is your guide ready for people to read? If yes, take out the 'under construction' sign. If not, then don't freaking publish. It's that simple.

Oh and the link is irrelevant.
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