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Jax Build Guide by Bu1l3T

Other Jax AD/AP Sustain Twisted Treeline

Other Jax AD/AP Sustain Twisted Treeline

Updated on July 2, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bu1l3T Build Guide By Bu1l3T 54 8 310,409 Views 33 Comments
54 8 310,409 Views 33 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Bu1l3T Jax Build Guide By Bu1l3T Updated on July 2, 2013
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Chard | July 28, 2013 5:07pm
I have to agree with JelleKisjes, FlorinMoldovan16, and nuggahHugga. Rylai's isn't viable because you already have a chance to slow with trinity for empower and counter stuns them so the slow is nearly wasted so it's only helping leap strike. Atma's has generally become an item to stay away from, with much better options to go after. As stated, 30-0-0 masteries is quite asinine for the most part, and your jungling route is for Summoner's Rift, which is confusing. The grammar does need a little work, but most can look past that. Please look into updating this guide to make it better and I will gladly give you an upvote.
Bu1l3T (4) | February 27, 2013 7:14am
ok. TY
nuggahHugga | February 24, 2013 4:23am
the build is good but you have to change boots too bad those. and rylays and atmas in jax is stupid
FlorinMoldovan16 (13) | February 16, 2013 8:06am
the masteries are way of. 21-9-0 is in every way superior. Your jungling section is outdated. It is full of spelling mistakes and you have a dubstep vid in your guide. I don't care if it's good or not (this one definitely isn't), it doesn't belong here.
Serious downvote here. you're rated to high with this. Also you lack on reactions @ comments is really disturbing. -2 if i could.
taos95 (6) | January 25, 2013 5:22am
It's an great guide and I like your build. Only Cons is your grammar and that you should get an defensive item before guinsoo's, (ressistance or hp).

Considering the guide in total, I will give you a +1 vote.

Would be glad if you would check my guide and upvote it ;)

"Jax solo top and Jungling - ranked (Inspired by WickD)."
Littlegael | January 10, 2013 9:16am
This is a great guide but wouldn't it be better to take you counter strike first?
I mean leap strike can help you securing the fb but i think that counter strike is always better for your whole team because u can facecheck and let your team get free hits on all of the three ennemy champs
Great job though :)
DarkAkumaLord (61) | January 9, 2013 5:45pm
Voted +1
Scary poppy picture...
+1 for nice guide :)
MiCroB | January 8, 2013 10:47am
Voted +1
Nice helped me ty :D
JelleKisjes (1) | December 27, 2012 2:42am
I realy like the guide, yet there are things to fresh up;
1: You claim the build as a 3v3 guide, yet your(?) explanations and jungle paterns are designed for SR
2: Rylais is (IMO) not viable on jax, since you'll be more of an auto attacker rather than an ad caster...
3: Some grammar/spelling mistakes as well as sometimes mistakes in the coding.

Try to fix at least point 1 and 3 and you'll get an upvote from me ^^
GARLANPEGO | December 25, 2012 9:00am
Voted +1
nice guide keep pushing!
xShadowFighterGR (1) | December 24, 2012 4:32pm
ALSOME BUILD !!!!!!!!!!!!
xShadowFighterGR (1) | December 24, 2012 4:32pm
Voted +1
ALSOME BUILD !!!!!!!!!!!!
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