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First and foremost, your skill sequence for Build 3 is badly broken. Take a second look at it and fix it up. In that same build, you suggest building a Spirit Visage. From what I can tell you did it for the MR and the CDR (very valid reason) but you miss out on the healing bonus, which does not benefit Amumu at all. It would be much more reasonable to build something like Athene's Unholy Grail in its place, as it provides even more MR and CDR, and you can benefit from the AP/Mana-Regen-on-kill it gives as well.
I do like your runes, though having the flat AP runes is a little iffy. While it's true that it gives that early-game advantage, having 3 of the Swiftness Quints might be a better choice if you want some extra MS. If you aren't willing to change that but still want to stress MS, maybe you could consider putting Utility points into Swiftness instead of Meditation. Since you start with bluebuff 100% of the time (unless it gets stolen!) the mana regen scales off lategame and isn't quite as useful. Just some food for thought.
One last suggestion: Take the points out of Resistance and put them in Hardiness instead. The MR boost isn't especially useful for junglers unless they are ganking mid or possibly bot lane.
Edit: Also, you would do well adding some more code to make the guide look better. You have a few pictures (not many), but it still has that wall-of-text feel. Inserting pictures, videos, and centering/coloring portions of text really help sections stand out and avoid the wall-of-text look.
A good start. I would avoid using oversized icons in the middle of text strings as that makes the guide look unorganized. Consider using Health Potion <- this formatting instead.
Hope that helps - let me know if there's anything else I can help with. There's formatting in my own guide that you might find helpful.
Done and Done. Thanks for the tip
Well I tend to build Frozen Heart with that Cloth Armor, so I think it is not wasted on an AP jungler like Amumu. Because Amumu is an AP jungler, AP items on him are valid and/or mandatory. He is not going to kill them jungle monsters with his auto attacks. Because my second build fouses on Armor/Health you will be able to mitigate some of the magic damage taken, by health. The point that I want to stress with my 3 builds are the diffrent ways to build Amumu: Aura/Support/Tank, Aura/Tank, Tank/APDamage. All are valid.
I have however added some MR into the second build
Okay i got some reason for downvoting, first of all you start cloth and 5 pots are a bad start for junglers not going wriggle, and then some or your builds contains AP items instead of tank items or aura items, you're the tank not the damage dealer, and for your second build, you got under 100 mr so you can't tank any mages
Well I tend to build Frozen Heart with that Cloth Armor, so I think it is not wasted on an AP jungler like Amumu. Because Amumu is an AP jungler, AP items on him are valid and/or mandatory. He is not going to kill them jungle monsters with his auto attacks. Because my second build fouses on Armor/Health you will be able to mitigate some of the magic damage taken, by health. The point that I want to stress with my 3 builds are the diffrent ways to build Amumu: Aura/Support/Tank, Aura/Tank, Tank/APDamage. All are valid.
Have you tried a Regrowth Pendant and 1 Health Potion approach? It lets you rush a Philosopher's Stone about 1 minute earlier. Cloth Armor isn't really that viable because your already tanky enough. Boots Health Potion seems viable and the guide is very well explained. Just 1 thing: While the fun build does look fun, it's very hard to gank. You're a tank who's jungling so even in ganks, your allies should get the kills. Add the fact that in team fights you'll only get assists usually, very hard to build but you did say it wasn't all that viable so nothing there really. Decent guide, getting a +1 from me. I'll be back later for a more in-depth review.
I have taken a look to Regrowth pendant and added my two cents on it.
+1 for the effort