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Skarner, in my opinion, has no argument as to why he should be made ap. The Ap ratio on his Q is nothing special, adding up to only 150ish bonus damage with 400 ap, which is quite bad for an ap move, his W has a decent ap ratio, but i wouldn't consider it a reason to go AP. E has a decent ratio, however it's slow and you won't ever hit it against a enemy. His ult is good for ap, but it's not a game changer. And what i mean by that is you can do it's job without ap. i'm not going to down vote, because as i said eariler, it's a well made guide. I just don't agree with it.
I've never seen AP Skarner before, and I imagine that the reason why is because of the matchups. Something this niche has to work as a counterpick. In this case, sending a Skarner mid would counterpick assassins who pick on squishy mid laners, such as Evelynn. Notice that not many matchups are favourable for him. He might also have some good matchups on top lane.