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Hey just so you know Death Sentence does not have a passive at all, it is Flay that has the passive that does extra magic damage on auto attacks. Death Sentence is only the hook and it doesn't do anything else besides that
To be more accurate, Death Sentences passive got moved over to Flay a while ago. This guide was right at the time of writing, it just needs an update.
I also think the Shiv helps out a lot early on, it gives his first hit that extra 100 damage which really scares people off and has gotten me plenty of kills due to constant harassing and poking when the shiv AND passive are both charge.
And how does ap AND ad vamp do with him?
Just throwing some ideas out there.
195 minion kills mid lane with him
Thresh need ATTACK SPEED inorder to deal dmg with q passave. BOTRK offers that aswell.
The Passive of BOTRK deals lota ekstra dmg not depending on your own attack dmg. It offers a slow.
Only downside; thresh could also use spell vamp bevause of high ap dmg. and 2. Thresh dosent deal too much dmg for life steal to RLY become effective.
Very good guide, can recommended Trinity Force.
I'd add Lee Sin and Akali to the tough opponents list, you're very strong at last hitting but can't match them in wave clear without going oom and they can both dive you under turret. You'll need a jungle babysit to avoid losing your tower very early on.
I've done some trials with Muramana and would say not to bother, Trinity Force is a good buy though.
Defensive Boots, Bloodthirster, Phage and Hexdrinker and the game should be over.
Looking forward to see the Finished build
Also just a general question to everyone playing/using/tinkering with this build do you find some abuse and hate towards having a tank Thresh?
Cheers Dr. Bomm