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I downvoted guides that were jungle/adc until recently I saw that adc is good early game, but i still don't recommend it late game, so i changed my votes on most guies except like 1 or 2, one guide was all 5 positions and the builds were awful on all of them, the masteries screwed up, the runes didnt make was just bad...and the other one was a jungle guide which i'm going to test out after I make it through all of my tests.
Hmmm mobility boots does make sense...I would proly only take in the mid lane or support though just so as mid i can roam either mid or top faster or support roam mid and back bot again. But top lane is more of a duel, there isn't large amounts of roaming, I wouldn't get it on top Thresh unless the other team had a karthus or something.
As far as the lizard item, I dont jungle at all so I havn't seen the capability of the item, but i'll have to give it a try. So when you support, what is your build order? Philo > spirit stone > sightstone > lizard item?
Very happy with it, but there are two items that you seemed not to consider: (as a note, I played jungle thresh and then settled on mostly playing support thresh)
Mobility Boots
-These help him move from lane-to-lane for ganking/roaming assistance (and also for greatly increased soul farming). They are also great for his initiation, and even for his poke, as he can do a great deal of damage by waiting between auto attacks.
Spirit of the Lizard Elder
-I tried this item out on thresh because I used to play him as a jungler, but it is so good and so efficient that I now use it even on support thresh.
-For its cost, the attack damage is almost cost efficient on its own. With the way his Q passive scales with AD, the 50 AD goes a scary-long way. The hp and mana regen take care of his slight mana problems, and give him much-needed sustain, and then CDR is just gravy.
-The real wonder here is the unique passive. Unlike most support champs, he will be doing a great deal of auto attacking (of enemy champs) and he also has two aoe-not DoT abilities. This means that he is especially good at applying the lizard passive to enemies. Consider also: the lvl 18 stats make it deal 66 True damage over 3 seconds. Applied constantly, this means that it is more effective DPS than a sunfire cape at >90 Magic Resist. It also works at a much longer range and doesn't worry as much about his lack of magic pen (which as a support was lower than it would be on a carry)
So yeah, great guide but I wanted to give my two cents... if you like the lizard buff consider adding it as an option in your guide!
Atleast half your downvotes are probably because of that.
@teysoI know it breaks the suppress, but ill check if it still makes them swap.
You released your guide too early, Thresh is still new, and every other person who's played Thresh even once is trying to reach the top. :p
I hold your guide as being better than the rest currently offered, but next time use patience before releasing a guide for a new champ. ^^
I learned this lesson waaaay back when when Darius was released. Complaining about the downvotes only gets you more downvotes.