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Jayce Build Guide by Nusaik

Jayce - The Transformer

Jayce - The Transformer

Updated on December 5, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nusaik Build Guide By Nusaik 7 1 39,388 Views 14 Comments
7 1 39,388 Views 14 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Nusaik Jayce Build Guide By Nusaik Updated on December 5, 2012
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mrlouisowy (1) | November 18, 2013 1:29pm
Voted +1
i love this!
thangnd_1211 (7) | November 11, 2013 5:32am
Voted +1
thanks for good guide :D
Nusaik (16) | March 2, 2013 9:38am
FulipYogow wrote:

Hey there! Good build, very will formatted (I still don't know why this guide have the "stale"). There's some stuff that I dislike: as ADC that I dislike is Phantom Dancer. Your passive pratically do the same, and Jayce doesn't need that much attack speed since his W in Mercury Cannon gives him Max Attack Speed.

As toplaner, You should change Zeke Herald's for a mana-sustain item, like Manamune (that have an awesome passive too). I would change the Guardian Angel for a Runic Bulwark or a Sunfire Cape.

That's all, +1, sorry for my poor english and keep improving your guide! I hope me and all the other users who posted their comments here, helps you.

Thanks for the suggestions! It's marked 'stale' because I haven't updated it recently. The new items add a lot of options for Jayce which I should consider (manamune is definately going in there). I'm very busy with school ATM so it might take a while.
FulipYogow | February 18, 2013 5:15pm
Voted +1
Hey there! Good build, very will formatted (I still don't know why this guide have the "stale"). There's some stuff that I dislike: as ADC that I dislike is Phantom Dancer. Your passive pratically do the same, and Jayce doesn't need that much attack speed since his W in Mercury Cannon gives him Max Attack Speed.

As toplaner, You should change Zeke Herald's for a mana-sustain item, like Manamune (that have an awesome passive too). I would change the Guardian Angel for a Runic Bulwark or a Sunfire Cape.

That's all, +1, sorry for my poor english and keep improving your guide! I hope me and all the other users who posted their comments here, helps you.
Nusaik (16) | November 21, 2012 12:29pm


ShineofDarkness | November 21, 2012 9:13am
Voted +1
Xaenorth (4) | November 3, 2012 8:54am
Voted -1
Zeke's herald!
Nusaik (16) | August 24, 2012 10:03am
G0dlyN00b wrote:

If you are loosing most 1v1s top, you are playing him wrong. I get boots of swiftness to get positioning for my Q/E combo better, and so I can run in, and do the melee combo faster, also when I leap, so I can get ahead of them and knock them back. With the two speed steroids it also helps, even though people use them as an excuse not to get BoS. After that I go phange->frozen mallet, Zeke's, Warmogs Atma's and Maw. The health give you the survivability you need in fights, Zeke's helps with laning and the team in general, and Atma's and Maw gives the extra damage at the end, and extra durability to contribute better in team fights as a bruiser.

I always level up Q first, followed by W, and then E. E has enough damage in the low levels, and I use mostly for utility. I rather get my two skills that give me damage in both stances first for optimum DPS. Leveling Q first also gives good pushing and harassing when you don't want to get close.

My masteries are 21/9/0 going AD offensive and extra health and armor. Taking teleport and Flash helps gank and gives the extra mobility to get into and out of sticky situations.

In lane top, my favorite position for him, I harass as much as possible, but stay as safe as I can. Since most tops are melee bruisers, his range in Cannon, and high range with Q/E, zones them out easily. If they are ranged, they are two squishy to compete, and if it's someone like vlad, then E counters him perfectly. I fought most of the popular top picks. Lee gives me some trouble, Rumble is a top competitor for him, and Yorick can be some trouble, but I doubt too much (I haven't faced him yet). I was even worried about Akali at first because of her ultimate, but Jayce's pre level 6 game is much better. So all you have to do his harass her, deny her gold, and just win before 6. I eventually get an oracles for her, and with teemo, I just get 3 vision wards, one for each bush, once he hits level 6.

So ya, I almost always win my lane when I go top with Jayce. The only times I've lost is when I faced Lee for the first time, when I went 2v1 against kennen and Teemo, and when I get ganked a lot by someone like amumu. Against Rumble it's a stalemate.

I have to agree with most of what you're saying. Maybe I haven't said this clearly in my guide, but what I meant was Jayce loses most long duration fights. Short burst fights he can win extremely well, but his auto attack DPS is a bit low compared to others I think.

The ability order is very situationally dependent I think. All of Jayce's abilities are great and scale well so the order doesn't really matter that much IMO. It depends on your playstyle and matchup.
G0dlyN00b | August 23, 2012 7:31am
If you are loosing most 1v1s top, you are playing him wrong. I get boots of swiftness to get positioning for my Q/E combo better, and so I can run in, and do the melee combo faster, also when I leap, so I can get ahead of them and knock them back. With the two speed steroids it also helps, even though people use them as an excuse not to get BoS. After that I go phange->frozen mallet, Zeke's, Warmogs Atma's and Maw. The health give you the survivability you need in fights, Zeke's helps with laning and the team in general, and Atma's and Maw gives the extra damage at the end, and extra durability to contribute better in team fights as a bruiser.

I always level up Q first, followed by W, and then E. E has enough damage in the low levels, and I use mostly for utility. I rather get my two skills that give me damage in both stances first for optimum DPS. Leveling Q first also gives good pushing and harassing when you don't want to get close.

My masteries are 21/9/0 going AD offensive and extra health and armor. Taking teleport and Flash helps gank and gives the extra mobility to get into and out of sticky situations.

In lane top, my favorite position for him, I harass as much as possible, but stay as safe as I can. Since most tops are melee bruisers, his range in Cannon, and high range with Q/E, zones them out easily. If they are ranged, they are two squishy to compete, and if it's someone like vlad, then E counters him perfectly. I fought most of the popular top picks. Lee gives me some trouble, Rumble is a top competitor for him, and Yorick can be some trouble, but I doubt too much (I haven't faced him yet). I was even worried about Akali at first because of her ultimate, but Jayce's pre level 6 game is much better. So all you have to do his harass her, deny her gold, and just win before 6. I eventually get an oracles for her, and with teemo, I just get 3 vision wards, one for each bush, once he hits level 6.

So ya, I almost always win my lane when I go top with Jayce. The only times I've lost is when I faced Lee for the first time, when I went 2v1 against kennen and Teemo, and when I get ganked a lot by someone like amumu. Against Rumble it's a stalemate.
Unmercy (1) | August 22, 2012 9:14am
Voted +1
You used much BB codes
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