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I love almost all of the stuff you've put forward. I am in the process of implementing this.
However, I am definitely keeping the troll build. Not legitimate, but a fun option.
Thank you very much, man!
I'll go with the cheatsheet.
Masteries - Rarely is it beneficial to spec past 21 points in any given tree. Since Quinn is an ADC, she will also need defense in order to trade effectively. Take the points out of Sorcery and spec in the defensive tree until you get Veteran's Scars , grabbing armor and magic resistance along the way. Since you are also running Ignite, I'd take a point out of Fury and spec it into Summoner's Wrath .
Runes - Fine across the board. Consider also Mark of Attack Damage as a possibility.
Skill sequence - As a general rule of thumb, you should max one skill by at least level 9. There is virtually no champion that benefits from not maxing one skill by this point. Generally speaking you also max a second skill by level 13. In Quinn's case, I believe you take an early point in Q for harass but generally max E first for the trading (extra damage on enemy? Sure thing!). In some circumstances like poke wars, you would max Q first. I would max W last. The passive AS increase is nice, but AS isn't useful until at least mid-game and you don't really need the scouting active too often, especially when your support is warding sufficiently.
Items - With Quinn's poor AD scalings, it would seem that the new stupidly broken Blade of the Ruined King is now core on her. Otherwise, your item choices are alright. I would always go Warmog's Armor over Frozen Mallet, but if you believe that the enemy are silly enough not to focus you somewhat, then that's fine. It does happen. I would take out Youmuu's Ghostblade. There really aren't all that many champions that it's good on and I'm not sure if Quinn's one of them.
Guide itself:
Background - This is really just a filler of space. People interested in the lore will be able to look it up themselves. A guide should really be to teach them quickly and efficiently how to play the champ. You can keep it, but it's usually of no real use.
Pros and Cons - Pros seem to be quite limited. You should probably do a bit more research into why Quinn would be picked into a game. The cons, on the other hand, appear to have been thought in great detail.
Items - This section is far better explained than most other guides. Try and be more aware of the spacing of borders and pictures. Already mentioned Youmuu's Ghostblade above.
Black Cleaver - Loosely speaking, this item is for AD assassins and bruisers, it's true. But there are also extremely niche picks for ADCs. For example, Black Cleaver gets fully proced on Miss Fortune's Bullet Time. It's also good on Draven because of his high sticking power and early snowballing power with Brutaliser. Is it good on Quinn? I would agree with you and say: no, it isn't. But just thought I'd correct your view that Black Cleaver isn't on ADCs.
Zephyr - Usually, you would keep your boots, but in the case of an ADC who's maxed out their build, Zephyr is a great choice to replace your boots with. It'll lower your movement speed slightly, but increase your damage and decrease your susceptibility to CC.
Mercury's Treads - Another late-game alternative against either mostly AP team comps and/or ones that run a lot of CC.
Summoner Spells - Mention Heal and Exhaust as weak possibilities.
Supports - Well, I'll get to this more when you're finished, but the ones you should also consider writing on in addition to the ones you have/are working on: Leona, Alistar, Lulu, Sona and Thresh. These are all the main supports being played at the moment.
Well, that's all you have, so that's all I have for now. Good work thus far.
This build has helped me be a op quinn countless times
That is great to hear! I hope you enjoy it too!
Really loving the build! Just wanted to let you know!
Thanks! It is great to hear positive feedback! :D
First: Can you make a review on Kayle as Quinn's support? She would be able to nullify the danger from Valor's CQC with her ult and boost Quinn's chasing skills with her Q and W; plus! Kayle's E combined with her passive is quite the thing for destroying the E-carry/E-support's defenses for Quinn to deal more pretty damage.
Second: I see, personally, the Shiv as a near necessity for Quinn. It just seems to be made for her (or is it the other way around?) her attack speed goes quite high when you hit enemies marked, it gets better with Shiv. Her AoE is either small (Her Q) or dificult to land (Her R), Shiv covers that. Now, combine the two: her attack speed goes quite high and her mobility charge the Shiv rather fast, she crits more often and deals more reliable AoE damage. IMO it's quite the thing for her.
Thanks for reading, I hope to see some more insight from you on this new and marvelous champion!
Statikk Shiv is probably my favourite attack speed item for ADCs. It may not give as much of a passive stat increase as Phantom Dancer, but I absolutely love its passive. The only reason I mention other attack speed items for Quinn is a) to allow for more variety in builds for people reading my guide and b) to allow for options for people who don't like the shiv, for whatever reason.
Kayle is an awesome champion. She is the kind of champ that can fill almost every role (I have seen Kayle jungle work decently). As a support, she has a heal and a temporary invulnerability for her ADC, and a slow for her enemies. A good enough Kayle player will allow the ADC to rofl-stomp anything. However, I haven't seen what the changes to Kayle have done to her flexibility, so I cannot say for sure, but Kayle has always filled an offensive role better than a defensive/supporting role. Until she doesn't work offensively, and gets a change in the proportion of Karma, she will always be very offensive. I honestly believe having a Kayle support wastes the potential of the champ. However, even considering this statement, she will, as you say quite truthfully, work well, similarly to how Taric works well with Quinn (land a slow/stun, Quinn bursts, kill).
I will certainly mention Kayle in the support section, though, thank you for noting her!
Your point in Summoner's Wrath is wasted.. you don't take any of the skills it enhances... you would do better to put it into more CDR.
I like the build though, thanks :-)
Like SimplyBiscuits and Mei Me I, thanks for the positive reinforcement! I love to hear you like the build!
Concerning the point in Summoners Wrath, I usually run Ignite (being a badass who don't care about no fatal CC, an example of what is called stupid play). However, I am going to change that, it does make a lot more sense! Thanks for pointing that out! :)
Keep the feedback coming guys and girls!
I like the build though, thanks :-)
First: Can you make a review on Kayle as Quinn's support? She would be able to nullify the danger from Valor's CQC with her ult and boost Quinn's chasing skills with her Q and W; plus! Kayle's E combined with her passive is quite the thing for destroying the E-carry/E-support's defenses for Quinn to deal more pretty damage.
Second: I see, personally, the Shiv as a near necessity for Quinn. It just seems to be made for her (or is it the other way around?) her attack speed goes quite high when you hit enemies marked, it gets better with Shiv. Her AoE is either small (Her Q) or dificult to land (Her R), Shiv covers that. Now, combine the two: her attack speed goes quite high and her mobility charge the Shiv rather fast, she crits more often and deals more reliable AoE damage. IMO it's quite the thing for her.
Thanks for reading, I hope to see some more insight from you on this new and marvelous champion!
Just a comment.
Why not cleaver?
black cleaver does not give much for its cost for an adc. It is better fit for bruiser type champions.
Blade of the ruined king, ie, bt, pd, last whisper, statikk shiv are better items. As well as warmogs/other defensive item.
A perfect response. Although a Black Cleaver is a damn useful item for bruiser types (what with the armour pen, the health and the AD) it is not as useful for an ADC. The Cleaver works for bruisers because it shreds the armour of a target, allowing the ADC to clean up house. The ADC shouldn't be building it themself, and should focus mainly on AD, AS, or items with ArPen.
However, if one were to build Quinn as a bruiser (which doesn't work, she is simply too inherently squishy), a Cleaver would be a ideal option.
Finally, if you did want to build the Cleaver for the health it gives you, Frozen Mallet gives more health, and a more useful effect for an ADC.