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a. Quinn is a counter to hyper carries such as Twitch and Vayne
b. Against Caitlyn it is mainly a pure skill match up
c. Quinn gets countered hard by Draven and MF?
This is all based on my experience against adcs as Quinn. I'm 80% sure that most of this is accurate. Key word on most. The Cait counter can be argued.
I've faced Fiora, Katarina, Jax, Trynda, Pantheon, Yi. Even 2 at the same time on my own. Once I had under 100 HP. And had Trynda and Jax on my tail, each had around 3/4 of their life, I decided to attack Trynda with my E, and jump back as Jax closed in, I sent my Q, I did some attacks as I was kiting them, Valor marks Trynda again, I used my E on him, to finish him off while throwing my Q on Jax again, kept hitting him and until I got my E back, and finished him off.
I can deal with Yi, Fiora, even with their ultis. Trynda's ulti is seriously useless for him against Quinn. I only have issues with Volibear, does a lot of damage and is too tanky to kill him.
Great guide.
Item build, paragraph 3, suggesting a change, you still have phage into mallet, which doesn't build that way anymore.
Yeah, this guide is outdated and hasn't been updated since August.
Or are you asking why you would want to have a wave clear first for bottom?
Given the current obsession with pushing towers, that should be pretty self-explanatory.
I wonder what you think about this.
But anyways, like always, it's an awesome guide :) Unfortunately, I am not really good of an ADC player (pretty much I am pools of Support champs + Zyra Mid. That's it XD), but I do understand the theories behind ADC, so I know this guide is good haha :)
Keep the good work, and inspire new players (like me at beginning of season 3 XD)
The scnd part of Gameplay and improving your Gameplay should be added to a general guide about playing ADC ...
Finally, have a nice day and keep up the good work!