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Guide is too short. Your runes, masteries and items look good, however you could touch on more on Alistar's essentials such as the infamous W + Q combo.
The biggest issue I see with this guide is the viability of jungle Alistar itself. He has always been a very semi-viable jungler in S2 - deadly ganks but one of the slowest clears in the game, easiest way to screw him over is by all lanes playing safe - and now the new jungle hurt him hard. I don't think you can realistically start Rejuvenation Beads, especially if the enemy has a fast jungler. On stonewall008's tier list, he dropped from tier 1 to tier 4. I personally don't think he can jungle anymore.
alistar not able to jungle ? YOU MUST BE KIDDING, sure; early game it's a bit hard but later in game when team fight comes your team will love your WQ combo, I always get all the ennemys team in this combo, it's so deadly, the end build I use on jungle ali is : locket of the iron solari, shurelya, mobility boots + homeguard, sunfire cape, atmos impaler and the tank jungle item used in this guide .
ali needs some tools to get perfect engage, and with shurelya + locket you can block some dmg while going in and then when your ult is popped well, if you die you are a king :D
You mislead people with ganking. There is a lot of information you lazily skipped. Pro/Cons Best ganker. Tell the peoples howwwww! Downvote.
So you are downvoting me for something so shallow? Which is already explained in a chapter down in the guide. If you actually read it with a decent amount of attention you would of seen it.
And if you read the comments like smart person you would of seen I was already told that and also commented on it. You're trying to act smart by downvoting a guide you clearly didn't read you wont go far with that idiotic attitude my friend.
It's not the best idea to start wolves with Alistar, a lot of people you run into in matchmaking already doubt your pick of jungle Alistar, I've tried to start wolves and had people constantly ranging at me because of the slow clear time at them even with help. So I rather start at my blue buff. Regarding the small golem camp it's an optional camp. If you follow my jungle path until you reach level 3 and go gank at that level by the time you return wolves and wraiths are up and you can farm those.
Anyway, Alistar is a slow clear jungler. Whilst his ganks are good, I just don't think that he'll have enough impact throughout the game as much as he did in S2 (and even then, his jungling got nerfed). Rejuvenation Bead is a bad idea, since potions give you more reliable sustain within the jungle.
Your jungling route is also arguably wrong. You should really start wolves, or even counter-jungle enemy wraiths. This start will let you reach level 4 without losing ****tons of hp to double golems. Your ganking routes don't hold all the options and your diagram is extremely one-sided, even if you do 'explain' the opposite side afterwards.
You should add a little text of your take on him, and how you like to play him.
I was aware of the fact that he did drop a significant number of Tiers on stonewall's list but I believe that it's not the Tier of the Jungler that matters it's the person playing him and the amount of skill they have with the champion.
This is only partially correct. The skill of the player and how well the champion fits into the team comp matters, but a lower tier jungler also means that they have bigger or more obvious weaknesses and are less all-rounded. Alistar already has a huge weakness of a painfully slow clear, and the new jungle just made this problem worse. I've never seen anyone use Alistar in the jungle yet in S3, but if I happen to jungle against him, I'll be constantly stealing his camps from him. If you start Rejuvenation Beads, then I will be constantly successfully stealing your camps, even though you have better sustain, etc.