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Very bad guide, poorly organized. Fail.
Is it your sole purpose to down vote for no reason?
I think the BBcoding and general sentence structure throughout could use some improvement, if only to make the guide more attractive to read.
However, that stuff is all fluff. The content of your guide is pretty good and I know your build is effective form experience. I saw the one guy mentioned the lack of AD for Shen. One possible suggestion would be to start AD Quintessences for easier last hitting in lane. This would be giving up Attack Speed Quintessences so maybe you could just list it as an option? I honestly don't find the lack of AD on Shen to be that large of an issue though.
Ahah thanks, haven't worked on this guide for a long time but i might give it a shot.
However, that stuff is all fluff. The content of your guide is pretty good and I know your build is effective form experience. I saw the one guy mentioned the lack of AD for Shen. One possible suggestion would be to start AD Quintessences for easier last hitting in lane. This would be giving up Attack Speed Quintessences so maybe you could just list it as an option? I honestly don't find the lack of AD on Shen to be that large of an issue though.