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Hey, dude can I get your Pro's and Con's part to my new Dr. Mundo guide? I cant do columns , I always mess it up! thx for your time.
P.S. I will credit you in my guide
P.P.S. Could you credit in your guide if you want to? just an favor
Of course you can ^^
P.S. I will credit you in my guide
P.P.S. Could you credit in your guide if you want to? just an favor
Would you please select [] Core Items at final build items? That way they show in the stat overview.
Well,they are.At least the main build(jungle tank),since you can only have 1 build as "core".
Awesome guide, couple quick things however. Usually I like to max E second, because by the time I am maxing it, more and more team fights are breaking out and I don't seem to be jungling quite as often. Yeah, cleaver will definitely deal more damage to the creeps and baron/dragon, but I think masochism would be more useful.
One more thing, may want to make a section for opposing junglers, but great guide otherwise! Upvote from me!
Well,I was planning to do a match-up section,but I believe this guide is too big already.
One more thing, may want to make a section for opposing junglers, but great guide otherwise! Upvote from me!
Downvoted. In runes you really should go to the utility tree to get Runic Affinity
What man?Just because i didn't use a point in a single mastery you downvote my guide?And also, Dr. Mundo benefits from almost nothing in the utility tree.What do we have above Runic Affinity ?
TL;DR: Runic Affinity isn't good on Dr. Mundo,and downvoting just because of a single mastery is being a total *******.