So! I'm on a quest for Gold!

I've climbed up the ladder a bit and I'm on my way to a higher silver! Some of you, as well as I, have wondered if you can make it to Gold as a support. Well, I've done some research and yes, you can. I saw a post about someone climbing from silver to plat 2 as a support. Some of you may hate and say that supports only get carried to wherever they are, but I disagree. A good support with cc and/or heals plays an important role for the team. If support was that easy you'd see a lot of people picking that role instead of a carry role to get to where they want. Korea knows that supports are important and are valuable. That is why they purposely feed their support one or two kills and don't mind if they secure a kill. Heck, the trend with supports taking ignite came from Korea!

I have taken a small break from streaming, there's too much drama going on in the background. Some of you may remember the incident where my mother tried to saw my door in half. My frames are also dropping and I've tweaked with settings and stuff, I may have to contact dell support.