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Why do you get the phantom dancer first and not shiv? I personally think shiv is better than pd in mid game since it provides more burst and wave clear.
Secondly, why start boots and 4 health potions? The dorans blade + health potion seems to be better since it provides damage, sustain, and tankyness (good stats for early game). All the boots start give is a bit more movement speed which isn't very crucial early on.
It makes for some enjoyable reading! :)
Anyway, upvote! (:
...on a side-note, I take Ignite over Barrier just for the extra damage output; Even thought Barrier might let you live long enough to deal more damage than ignite later on, it doesn't help when your early game and not outputting much damage... Another note, all of this is an OPINION. Your silly argument earlier is no different and is thus meaningless... Don't feed the trolls...