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Btw, best guide for a champ i have read. Very detailed :)
The more AS u have the less its worthy as a stat, and rengar has a lot of attack speed innately, also the passive makes no sense, why you want 5% of the current hp on hit when you rely on bursting (even more, bursting in few hits) thats such a waste of gold.
Just go Brutalizer-> Necklace -> LW and you will be bursting down anyone at that moment of the game, and those items sum up roughly 4500 gold just 1300 gold more than the Botrk
On top of that you can buy and hydra/malm or improve the bruta to youmo and get the botrk's attack speed for 1300, 10 more arp and some crit that randomly helps, but that should always be the core cheap and max dmg
great guide i love it