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This guide is not supposed to be improved. What The Bananaman is kindly saying is bad guides need to stay bad. If MobaFire has a guide ranked at 90%, and the build doesn't work and the guide is ****, then that makes MobaFire look bad. Basically, a guide such as for "AP Rengar" or "Support Trynd" or whatever needs to be downvoted. They are not serious build, they are simply for ***** and giggles.
Sometimes, a good guide is downvoted, and that's a shame. But it is worse when a bad guide is upvoted.
***** always trying to enforce the meta,go back to your little AD J4 or Xin zhao, this one probably got stomped by an off meta champion that is trong and came here whine"troll builds" or "downvote this ****(that stomped me) because its not for ranked"
Edit:Not to mention there is a lot of diference between tryndamere support and ap rengar.tryndamere support is a troll pick.rengar ap is just an off-meta build,however he is still going top,so there is nothing wrong in ap rengar.
It's AP Rengar.
Personally, I think this could be really amusing to play, abusing the peacemeal harass of E, and when they try to all-in you W-W or W-Q-W and E for chasing if they get low.
I would consider getting E maxed second if the lane is more farm-based than fight-based for a larger ranged last-hit
I didn't gave a +1 because i don't think this guide is good, but a downvote with such a comment as "AP Rengar" doesn't help the author to improve his guide imo.
This guide is not supposed to be improved. What The Bananaman is kindly saying is bad guides need to stay bad. If MobaFire has a guide ranked at 90%, and the build doesn't work and the guide is ****, then that makes MobaFire look bad. Basically, a guide such as for "AP Rengar" or "Support Trynd" or whatever needs to be downvoted. They are not serious build, they are simply for ***** and giggles.
Sometimes, a good guide is downvoted, and that's a shame. But it is worse when a bad guide is upvoted.
Hey man, nice guide, but I'm wondering if AP Rengar still works after the new patches?
yes ;) but i dont know if AP Rengar will work after the remowrk that he's getting :(
An awful troll guide with a lot of spelling mistakes and trolls
Can you tell me where the spelling mistakes are ? so i can fix it ^_^
What you can improve, is the length. There are way more things to write about AP Rengar.
Thanks, i will try to make a guide with more details next time :)
It's AP Rengar.
Very nice constructive feedback. You clearly did not try this.