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League of Legends (LoL) Question: AD or Arm Pen Runes?

Posted in Runes 12,140

  • remek4x4

    AD or Arm Pen Runes?

    Whitch is better for offtanks and ADC?
  • Answers (3)

    decadeoftherion (2) | July 11, 2013 10:27am
    For ADC it's best to have flat AD runes for last-hitting. 21/x/x masteries will give you enough armour penetration to deal with creeps, who start out with an irrelevant amount of armour. Check the LoL wiki for more details on creep armour values. As an adc you should be farming more than harassing, so flat AD all the way.

    For offtanks it depends on where you go and what champion you're playing. Personally I usually use a mixture of flat AD and armour pen.
    Ebony Batosi | July 12, 2013 5:39am
    i disagree i have both ad runes and apen runes and i have found that on and adc it is more valuable to have 10 armor pen in the late game over a measly 15 ad (thats with quints and marks compared to only armor pen marks)u can itemize for ad ealy with items. u can use ur quints to specialize a char (ie.. ad ap AS MS so on so forth) but as for marks if ur ap best to take the magic pen and ad best to use marks of Armour pen. as for the last hitting comment that is a skill not somthing u use runes for last hitting takes practice adn with ad quints and apen marks u can last hit under tower lvl 1 so practice last hitting dot count on the runes doing it for u. try to think of the early and late game with u rune sets not just lane phase and consider champions too some are different.
    decadeoftherion (2) | July 15, 2013 7:23pm
    You're entitled to your opinion, but pros do certain things for certain reasons and you shouldn't completely disregard them. Masteries and runes are pretty basic things that can be used universally by players of all skill levels. If your personal rune page suits your playstyle, sure, but once you get to level 30 things are different than how they were at level 20 (which your profile says you are, but your summoner name can't be confirmed to check on that).
    Ebony Batosi | July 12, 2013 10:04pm
    well i never said arpen quints so i dont know why u bring that up with quints it is a flat but to tell me that 9 ad is more helpfull then 8 armpen early or late game is ridiculous. as i said ur quints can be used however ur play style is but unles ur on a kha zed or talon flad ad marks dont make since (melee needs that last hit help he brought up) but as for a ranged adc ur runes will not help u snowball or win ur lane that is ur ability to zone last hit and overall outplay so i diagree that a rune can do this for u. in the end it is what u want my vayne late game with arm pen runes will rip anytank to pieces pre last wisper (so i win my lane early) then at final build i feel my runes are still viable while flat runes do nothing.
    decadeoftherion (2) | July 12, 2013 1:39pm
    Runes are for boosting your early game since that's the most important part of League, unless you're a pro that is able to play for a late game build. The idea behind flat runes is that they are strongest early, and you can use that early strength to snowball harder than you would with per-level runes. An early advantage is better than a late advantage, which is why you have junglers to gank - getting ahead in lane is very important.

    Unless you work for Riot and are contradicting (with math) statements made by former employees, there is no reason why an ADC should use anything except flat AD marks. The traditional AD rune page that most pros use is: Flat AD marks, armor seals, MR/level glyphs, and flat AD quintessences. Some will use lifesteal quints or flat MR glyphs depending on the lane, but 99% of the time it's flat AD marks and I've never seen a pro use ArPen quints on an AD carry.
    Vynertje (386) | July 11, 2013 11:14am
    Overall AD is better.
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