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Wrong runes and masteries
Bit of an absolute prick aren't you? Seeing as how he's an ex-professional player and all. The only thing you seem to be good at it down voting guides. If you're going to down vote for the runes, why not try them and use them oh 5-7 games then down vote because they're not your personal preference?
I couldn't help but notice the flurry of misinformed comments going on in a round-a-bout way which would never resolve the issue at hand. So, I figure I will go ahead and attempt to put the issue to rest by adding some completely objective input. No harmful intent, just a desire to synchronize everyone's mind's and provide clarity on the subject.
Runes Breakdown...
The purpose of your rune setup: I am assuming that you built your rune setup in order to compliment your item build and mastery setup. Your rune setup does indeed compliment the overall build you are advocating, however, with its effectiveness in question. You take small deviations from having full sets of runes and add in a few extra spices, so to speak, that accent your early game play and give you the strongest presence in your lane in the beginning of the game and in the early game. However, when you build with this orientation you actually suppress your mid-late game development, however, this is just number crunching and will not account for in-game playout (including all aspects of skill/gameplay involved in this game).
Well, your runes are fine if you are looking to give yourself a stronger/more sustainable early game presence. Just remember that it's a balance game of power vs sustainability. Go too far on either side of the spectrum and you will notice drastic degradation in the form of either being extremely powerful but having no personal sustainability or having tons of personal sustainability but lacking in your ability to output physical damage.
Why people criticize:
I believe people criticize this guide because the majority of our population are in a mental state. In which, they have a hard time looking at information objectively and then ther of course are many other psychological barriers which have been cultivated by multiple factors over the years. So, in their eyes, even though this build would be classified in a very specific style of play, because it takes objective thinking in order to realize that, people literally "refuse", mentally, to expand their understanding of the subject (like what happens in pretty much all subjects in the world, lol) in a way that can illuminate the useful aspects of the build and not shutdown at the first sight of something fishy.
Short answer - This build is meant to be used only if you possess a specific style of play or are willing to adopt this style of play while using the build. This style of play is also much less offensive and much more defensive in style, which is less conducive than an offensive build when applied in team scenarios. Think back to the spectrum I mentioned earlier and how it would apply towards team fights. Some of your masteries and runes are definitely not optimal but are definitely within your right to choose. If you would like me to mention what these are and how I would change them for your style of play I would be glad to =)
Anyways, good luck with your build and I hope this can clear up the situation.
The staff often helps the guest authors with coding, and we don't mind at all that he doesn't mention us. It's our job and we just want the guides to look nice without forcing guest authors to learn advanced bbcoding. No harm done. :)
IMO Guest author's should learn the same way normal authors do, regardless if they're a guest author. They should put the same amount of effort most authors put in to their guides.