I was looking around for a good Thresh guide, because usually I just wing it every game. I feel good to have a set guide for every character I play, so that I know what I'm doing. But for Thresh, I haven't noticed any AP build guides around. I don't know if he doesn't make a good AP champ or something, because I'm still pretty new to the game. But every time I play Thresh, I build AP tank. It works remarkably well, because he has the huge damage from his W-Q-R-E combo, and then has the health to survive the encounter within his ulti, something that sometimes you wouldn't able to do. Example, When I first played him, I built straight AP, no tank. I found I could easily take down most champions with the massive damage he puts out, but when I trap an enemy in Thresh's ultimate, The Box, they could almost kill inside of it. Granted, if they managed it, the walls would kill them when they tried to escape. But I'm still wondering, why is there no AP-Tank Thresh build on MOBAFire? If anyone finds one, PM me and I'll check it out. Non-senior senior citizen, signing off!