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Nami Build Guide by mrdoedoe

AP Offtank TOP Nami OP

AP Offtank TOP Nami OP

Updated on August 11, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mrdoedoe Build Guide By mrdoedoe 19 7 166,176 Views 46 Comments
19 7 166,176 Views 46 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author mrdoedoe Nami Build Guide By mrdoedoe Updated on August 11, 2013
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mrdoedoe (2) | October 12, 2013 5:59am
Dychronius wrote:

While this guide has gone unupdated for some time now, Nami is free and I felt like trying this out.

I'm a top lane bruiser player, so this kind of play is up my alley, and I love trying things that go against the meta. I used this build in a custom game of just me and bots, so this is only an example of playing against bad players who are cautious and nobody on my team interfering. I do this to test if something works, cause if I can't snowball against bots, either the build should never be done or I am terrible at that champion.

I went 25/8/5, and got the full build. While this isn't my best score, it's not my worst(ap offtank soraka, me playing shen, me doing jungle udyr, dear god those were horrendous). I played with a roaming style after I hit about 8, and only managed 133 cs because I'm terrible at last-hitting(only time I get good cs is if I'm left alone to split push). I should also mention that I don't have the runes recommended, so that may have affected results.

Laning: I went against Graves and Swain at top, with Cho'gath going top with me. I didn't give first blood, which is a good sign, though I died right after some bot on my team gave it, so lucky me. I was able to get double kills after both Graves and Swain were beaten down, but that didn't happen often. A slightly rocky start, but I hit 6 soon enough and it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

Mid-game: I was able to get some double kills, get on some killing sprees, but I died soon after I got on a killing spree. Chat was basically only saying "Dychronius is on a killing spree" or "___ Bot has ended Dychronius's killing spree(___ gold)." Not as bad as others I've done, but not as good as was probably hoped. I should also mention that I do really stupid things against bots, and I'm not exactly good at this game, so my word is not to be taken as fact, but a rough guideline.

Late-game: After getting upgraded boots and a Liandry's, things started getting better. Less deaths, more kills, always a good thing. I was able to 1v1 the tankier bots, Shen and Xin Zhao. Meaning yes, Nami CAN duel, just against underfed and under-ability using people, if people can truly be said. I was able to solo dragon after I got a Liandry's, which is always good. I got the Rabadon's deathcap just as we won the game, so I wasn't able to truly see how much damage it could do, but judging by what I could do without it, it would have done quite a bit.

Overview on items: Athene's is just about necessary, combined with blue buff and no mana you just regen enormous amounts so quickly, it's beautiful. Lichbane is very good, coupled with her "e" it does quite a bit of damage. Rylai's was very good for sticking to the enemies, as the burst wasn't enough to destroy them instantly, so being able to stick to them was important. Liandry's useful, not much more I could say. Boots were a good choice, and deathcap does it's job.

Other notes: Probably not tanky enough but not bursty enough at the same time, so masteries are rather arguable but agreeable at the same time, hard to really decipher. Didn't take heal, took ignite instead, as ignite was more useful to me throughout the game, while heal would only really be useful during the laning phase to me.

Conclusion: I wouldn't try this in a normal game, but I just might have to because the purple of the Lichbane passive and blue of her "e" is just beautiful together.

First of I would like to say thank you for taking the time to try my guide out and that i'm glad you had some success! I hope you enjoyed playing her top. I would just like to say that nami has a pretty bad early game until she at least gets her sheen which could explain your lack of success early game. I would strongly suggest that you do have a go with her in a normal game I assure you, you will be pleasantly surprised! Anyway thanks for the feedback and analysis of my build I will take everything you have said into account.

Dychronius (7) | October 10, 2013 6:27pm
While this guide has gone unupdated for some time now, Nami is free and I felt like trying this out.

I'm a top lane bruiser player, so this kind of play is up my alley, and I love trying things that go against the meta. I used this build in a custom game of just me and bots, so this is only an example of playing against bad players who are cautious and nobody on my team interfering. I do this to test if something works, cause if I can't snowball against bots, either the build should never be done or I am terrible at that champion.

I went 25/8/5, and got the full build. While this isn't my best score, it's not my worst(ap offtank soraka, me playing shen, me doing jungle udyr, dear god those were horrendous). I played with a roaming style after I hit about 8, and only managed 133 cs because I'm terrible at last-hitting(only time I get good cs is if I'm left alone to split push). I should also mention that I don't have the runes recommended, so that may have affected results.

Laning: I went against Graves and Swain at top, with Cho'gath going top with me. I didn't give first blood, which is a good sign, though I died right after some bot on my team gave it, so lucky me. I was able to get double kills after both Graves and Swain were beaten down, but that didn't happen often. A slightly rocky start, but I hit 6 soon enough and it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

Mid-game: I was able to get some double kills, get on some killing sprees, but I died soon after I got on a killing spree. Chat was basically only saying "Dychronius is on a killing spree" or "___ Bot has ended Dychronius's killing spree(___ gold)." Not as bad as others I've done, but not as good as was probably hoped. I should also mention that I do really stupid things against bots, and I'm not exactly good at this game, so my word is not to be taken as fact, but a rough guideline.

Late-game: After getting upgraded boots and a Liandry's, things started getting better. Less deaths, more kills, always a good thing. I was able to 1v1 the tankier bots, Shen and Xin Zhao. Meaning yes, Nami CAN duel, just against underfed and under-ability using people, if people can truly be said. I was able to solo dragon after I got a Liandry's, which is always good. I got the Rabadon's deathcap just as we won the game, so I wasn't able to truly see how much damage it could do, but judging by what I could do without it, it would have done quite a bit.

Overview on items: Athene's is just about necessary, combined with blue buff and no mana you just regen enormous amounts so quickly, it's beautiful. Lichbane is very good, coupled with her "e" it does quite a bit of damage. Rylai's was very good for sticking to the enemies, as the burst wasn't enough to destroy them instantly, so being able to stick to them was important. Liandry's useful, not much more I could say. Boots were a good choice, and deathcap does it's job.

Other notes: Probably not tanky enough but not bursty enough at the same time, so masteries are rather arguable but agreeable at the same time, hard to really decipher. Didn't take heal, took ignite instead, as ignite was more useful to me throughout the game, while heal would only really be useful during the laning phase to me.

Conclusion: I wouldn't try this in a normal game, but I just might have to because the purple of the Lichbane passive and blue of her "e" is just beautiful together.
sirell (400) | August 16, 2013 8:40pm
0 solo kill potential while in lane. 0 farming potential while in lane. Only utility the rest of the game with low kill potential.

Fun but unviable.

Also, your skilling sequence is impossible.
Ryosuken (1) | August 16, 2013 11:37am
Well first of all, the idea is really nice, I love it to break the meta like many others here andy why? Because it's annoying to play those normal champs you see every single game and they are so strong and anything else and well back to the topic.. ^-^

I tried it out in a Bot game and it was pretty nice, the damage with Lich Bane was pretty high and I started to laugh after I saw this! xD After all I'll try it out in some normal games and maybe one or two ranked games if I know how to play well.

Aaaaand what I want to say, many guys here ''blame'' you for this guide and talking about that this isn't viable, well who said that AP Veigar Top is viable after trying it? Or Annie ADC oooor AP Trynda? I also read AD Veigar in the comments so please, stop talking guys, try it out and then judge about how VIABLE it is or not.

Thanks + 1. :)

Oh and I will send you a Screen if I have one or two good games with her the next time. x)


MAybe you should put in something where you explain how to lane against the most seen top laner, just an idea, you dont have to do this if you see no need for it. xD
mrdoedoe (2) | August 12, 2013 9:14am

I love your attempt to break the meta :)

However, remember not to pick Nami against Gapclosers!

Thank you very much and i'll be sure to add that to my guide in the future!
YeaISupport (30) | August 11, 2013 12:06pm
I love your attempt to break the meta :)

However, remember not to pick Nami against Gapclosers!
WOLFxBOY | June 30, 2013 12:30pm
Almost can't finish my lich bane cause of surrender xD
mrjohnson1201 | June 14, 2013 9:05am
I was a bit sceptical at first but since Nami is my favorite champion I thought what the heck I might as well give it a go! ANd you know what it worked! Good job on the guide. Thanks
GreenFrogs (40) | April 22, 2013 11:17am

No offense, but you already point out yourself that's she's in a bad spot right now. Also, if I go ad Veigar top and Alistar knocks up 3 people it's gg. If I'm going ad bruiser Heimerdinger and Ali knocks up 3 people it's gg too. Really, if I'm going ad Leona top and Ali knocks up 3 people it's also gg. Not a real argument in my opinion. Also, my ad Veigar, Leona and Heimy can also poke enemies while healing themselves, they just buy spell vamp for that. Also I do believe it takes forever for that bubble to land, and when she fires her ult she first needs to do a little dance so everybody can easily move out of the way. And if the damn thing finally starts to roll it still takes it's time to get to those fleeing enemies.

I think she can somewhat engage though, with her ult. But I think top Nami is like ap mid Nami, it somewhat works but after one week of release you never see one again. Of course she might win her lane, I can hold top too when I go support and our top leaves the game. I got a triple once when I had to switch to mid halfway the game with support Taric, but I don't think that automatically makes it viable.(for Taric it does though, but I think we can agree that's an exception ^^)

I think Nami can be awesome, but when she lanes bad then why don't you just play her as a support? You won't notice that deathcap anyways with this scalings :P No seriously, I don't think she's a top tier top laner.

Doesn't mean it can be doable and fun though, so I like the idea of the guide. But please all stop pretending this is the new Irelia(or ad Veigar :P). I hope you're indeed taking mpen marks and I suggest moving some points from Havoc into Butcher , if she's really such a bad last-hitter.

I also refrain from voting, partially since I hardly played Nami.

To those first points, expect no, because Nami has amazing CC to follow up with, which most champions can't say they can replicate. And her healing is in her kit. I'm not saying she's viable, but I'm not saying she's trash. She can kite pretty darn well, output a decent amount of damage, and has enormous follow up CC.

EDIT: The fact is, don't judge a guide by the champions viability in a certain role. Judge it by its content and how it explains how to play that role in that place. If someone put up an AP tryndamere guide before it became popular, everyone would have harped on that, saying it's the dumbest thing ever. Turns out it wasn't.
mrdoedoe (2) | April 21, 2013 2:32pm
Yazzel wrote:

Hmm... Interesting. I must say, you have encouraged me to try out top Nami. I, personally, enjoy playing champions outside the role people would expect them to be played, and Top Nami seems to fit in there. I'll try it out. :3

Also i just wanted to warn you that Nami top can take a little while to get used to but once you have got the basics down you will dominate.
mrdoedoe (2) | April 21, 2013 2:15pm
Yazzel wrote:

Hmm... Interesting. I must say, you have encouraged me to try out top Nami. I, personally, enjoy playing champions outside the role people would expect them to be played, and Top Nami seems to fit in there. I'll try it out. :3

i'm glad I have encouraged you to try her out. :)
mrdoedoe (2) | April 21, 2013 2:14pm
cyberskull wrote:

AD Mid is like AP Mid except it's physical damage. Kha'Zix is like any AP Caster if you ask me. Only difference is that he's AD. He can still do his job as a carry. What's a top lane Nami gonna do after laning phase? How is she gonna help her team out when she can't even get to the ad carry to take him out?

After the laning phase Nami is able to set up many kills due to her massive slows and long stuns. Also as she has been played top she also has some damage and so as well as setting up many kills for the ADC she also deals loads of damage and can do great heals for herself and the rest of her team.
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