Hey guys:

What would you think about a Tier - list for botlane? Would you enjoy reading an updated one? Obviously, it would be meta-related and with in-depth reasonings.

It would be SoloQ oriented, not only based in my experience but also relating to how these champions work in Low ELO, Mid strats and High ELO.

So unlike, let's say, Elementz Tierlist, I would make several "versions" of it so people can notice how some champs who look great in low ELO can be very meh the higher you climb the ladder, and the opposite.

Some may think "but a champion that is great in High ELO, how can it be average or bad in Low?" Well, nothing is truly bad (except for ADC Soraka or something equally cheesy). I'm thinking more of learning curves. Lulu is harder to play than, let's say, [Sona as a poke support (and also less forgiving), so saying that Sona would get higher rating in Bronze Tier is most likely.

So tell me what you think about this idea and if you'd like to see it. Also I would greatly enjoy all kinds of feedback as this will be heavily theory-craft based.