Hey there,

I started the game around 4-5 months ago (don't play ranked yet, wanna start in S4) since my pc is on the slow side I am last in teamchat and play support. It's kinda how it goes isn't it ;)

I learned to love the role and combine it with a really aggressive playstyle that I hope annoys the heck out of the enemy ADC :D.
-> I tend to play Zyra/Annie/Sona used to play a lot of Thresh but no so much anymore.

On those AP supports I use 6/7/17 masteries - getting 3 in sorcery, 2 in blast, 1 in summers wraiths -- def. tree 4 in durability, 3 in hardiness -- utility tree. I get wealth/greed - the mana stuff, biscuit, impr. recall, sum insight and 2 points in lifesteal/spellvamp.
Used to have pickpocket but I don't know about that.
I get extra armor / mRes. from runes with Mpen and Ability power

Combined with an aggressive playstyle I do much dmg in laning phase while still having armor ( to endure the ADC's AA + Everytime I AA/use an Ability, I get a bit of life back.
Any suggestions on those masteries ?

My struggle as a Support player begin in the mid game, when I try to place deeper wards while keeping in mind that I'm the weakest part of my team..
Also in none ranked games, people couln't care less for towers and dragons, things I frequently ping/ask them to take.
How do you keep Save while still making an impact?

Much text, overall tips for supporting are appreciated :)