Hi there,

As you'll see, i'm usually not a regular blogger.
But hey, these days i'm kinda motivated, mostly because i've created my team, which allow me to play with & versus skilled players & i'm feeling attracted again to LoL.

There have been several projects i've been working on about LoL, only in my head right now but i want to write them & have some feedback from you guys.

In order to not repeat again & again serveral tricks n' tips about jungling, i'll do a dedicated jungle guide (yeah anoteher, i guess theere are already sh*tloads of them but hey, whatever).
This will allow me to quickly update it (and not roam through all the futures guides) and adjust it to the next seasons & jungle changes.
So it will be a generic jungle guide, but I think i'll introduce Fiddlesticks, who's in my opinion one of the best jungle to discover that role - consider Master Yi or Xin zhao if you wanna try it AD - mostly due to ther insane sustain.

I'm kinda motivated to start my own streaming channel to, IMO it will be mostly useless at the beginning, but if you wanna see some meta breaking game live, or ask me to demo some exotic jungler, i thnk it might be fun =}
I'll be working on it today maybe, but mostly tomorrow.
EDIT : Done tonight :}
Dat click

Futurs guides.
Simply : 2 jungle guides about Jax & Jinks.
AS MS Jax, Statik Jinx.
Still working on it IG (specially with the V4 out now) but i'll try to publish them soon.

Ta da.
Have a nice day