Sup guys , 1 week ago i started to learn yasuo because he looked cool and liked his kit
But Is it just me Or is he REALLY hard ? , i played against syndra/ahri/leblanc/malzahar/lux and i just cant seem to win lane , i just go 1-4 or 1-3 and then split and farm all the time and teamfight
I just cant seem to win any lanes with him , I find him soo hard :(

Back to climbing ! , after some games im at 94 points (silver 1) , one win away from my promo"s and then this happens , Im to scared to lose points or my promo again so i go normals all the time , i really want to play alot of ranked but im just kinda scared of losing or not winning my promo , Any advice for it would be cool ! , I really want plat at the end of the season but it just kinda sucks that im to scared to lose points and games :/

Thanks for reading

Advice for yasuo/Climbing would be cool!