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Warwick Build Guide by Last Primarch

Tank Junwick: Supporting Your Team

Tank Junwick: Supporting Your Team

Updated on April 27, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Last Primarch Build Guide By Last Primarch 68 5 701,364 Views 94 Comments
68 5 701,364 Views 94 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Last Primarch Warwick Build Guide By Last Primarch Updated on April 27, 2014
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Last Primarch (5) | August 18, 2014 9:48pm
That's true, but I had to get through 10 promos with silvers and bronzes to get into Gold II.
Druchtin (3) | August 18, 2014 7:47pm

While I agree with a lot of your points about how you can do well despite your team and such, I disagree with a couple important things.

First, Wit's End is the better clearing tool. Because of its constant vs %currenthealth damage, it is better for monster clearing. It also provides a potential 25 points of magic penetration not just to you, but to your whole team. Which is especially important when using Feral Flare.

Very valid point. I hadn't thought of that... Thanks for bringing it to my attention - it's raised my appreciation of Wit's end :D


Secondly, you raised yourself out of Bronze IV with your build, which is quite good. But I raised myself to Diamond V with mine. And while I sympathize with your point about being in Silver, not Diamond, I didn't start here either. I used my support build all the way up.

But in your opening paragraph of your guide, you state "this is the champion and build that single-handedly took me from Gold II(where I ended Season 2013) to Diamond V in the first four days of Season 2014"
Last Primarch (5) | August 18, 2014 10:24am
While I agree with a lot of your points about how you can do well despite your team and such, I disagree with a couple important things.

First, Wit's End is the better clearing tool. Because of its constant vs %currenthealth damage, it is better for monster clearing. It also provides a potential 25 points of magic penetration not just to you, but to your whole team. Which is especially important when using Feral Flare.

Secondly, you raised yourself out of Bronze IV with your build, which is quite good. But I raised myself to Diamond V with mine. And while I sympathize with your point about being in Silver, not Diamond, I didn't start here either. I used my support build all the way up.
Druchtin (3) | August 16, 2014 8:52pm

I've played a lot of games with people who are much better than me mechanically, but almost all of them are Silver or even Bronze, with the occasional Gold or Platinum. It's not because they don't play enough games, and it's not because of that absurd notion of "Elo Hell". It's because they are convinced that they have to be "strong", that they have to "carry".

I don't know where the myth was created that the only way to raise your rank is to "carry" your team, but it's fallacious and has dramatically hurt the American LoL community. If you watch(and can understand)(Not NA, so thankfully I can) pro League from other countries you can note how the announcers draw attention to good team play over individual plays, the exact opposite of American commentary.

I think what we're missing here is a clear definition of what we define carrying as, because we could be going roundabout here. By limiting the definition specifically to kills, then yes, your point is valid. However, that is not what I define carrying as. Effective objective control and shot-calling is carrying. Feeding your carries is carrying. Split-pushing optimally is carrying. These are all things that can and should be done regardless of your build.


I have a friend who also WW Jungles, but builds like you do. My KDA with WW is 5:1. His is 12:1. And yet, he's Silver 5 and I'm Diamond 5. He's a better mechanical player than I am, he plays more often than I do, he gets kills I never could, and BotRK helps him do all that. But while he is stronger, his team is weaker because of that style of play.

Quite obviously he is playing the playstyle sub-optimally. An inability to transfer kills into objectives/fed carries/deleted enemy carries and peels is not something inherent to the WW playstyle, rather it's inherent to the player themselves. The goal of my aggressive build is not to get mad kills and **** **** up, it is instead to be able to effectively counter jungle and duel the enemy jungler so that they are unable to pressure lanes, to be strong enough to split push so that my bot lane and mid can pressure other lanes while I push theirs, to be fed and strong enough that I can delete AD/APC's while my team deals with the rest.

A support WW is fantastic for higher divisions, where carries are competent and are able to engage/disengage effectively and possess the know how to follow-up and take advantage of gank pressure. In bronze/silver, I have lost count of the amount of times I have had to save myself through aggression and sustain because the lane I was ganking for ****ed off on half health, continued farming or just went the wrong way. A support WW is nothing without his team. An aggressive WW, at least with my playstyle, is capable without his team, but is still heavily dependent on them for success - afterall, this is still a team game.


And, when it all comes down to it, even if BotRK makes you twice as effective as you would be with out it(and it's not nearly that good), it's still not as powerful as the extra 30-40% stronger that you can make each player on your team with a good support WW itemization.

Really, this point comes down to rushing BOTRK over rushing Wits End first. With a slow drain (important given our lack of CC), incredible sustain and very good AS boost (both of which increases surviveability, which you yourself view as important to WW), the item brings a lot to the table, particularly when synergised with SV FF and not least including the ult proc it gives. This item's power allows for faster clearing, greater dueling and fight sustain and also fast tower shred. Wit's End? 200 extra DMG on ult, very good AS boost and 25 flat MR that is increased provided you don't get nuked by the APC before you can attack/ult. TBH, I'm not seeing the attractiveness here. While it is a good defence/offence item, I wouldn't be rushing it, not when BOTRK provides more sustain and power.


TL;DR - Of course BotRK is a better item for Warwick to duel and get kills, it's just a bad item if you want to win.
Considering I've carried myself out of Bronze IV with WW, I wouldn't go that far with downgrading BOTRK. Our styles are different, but one is not better than the other.
Last Primarch (5) | August 4, 2014 3:45pm
I've played a lot of games with people who are much better than me mechanically, but almost all of them are Silver or even Bronze, with the occasional Gold or Platinum. It's not because they don't play enough games, and it's not because of that absurd notion of "Elo Hell". It's because they are convinced that they have to be "strong", that they have to "carry".

I don't know where the myth was created that the only way to raise your rank is to "carry" your team, but it's fallacious and has dramatically hurt the American LoL community. If you watch(and can understand) pro League from other countries you can note how the announcers draw attention to good team play over individual plays, the exact opposite of American commentary.

I have a friend who also WW Jungles, but builds like you do. My KDA with WW is 5:1. His is 12:1. And yet, he's Silver 5 and I'm Diamond 5. He's a better mechanical player than I am, he plays more often than I do, he gets kills I never could, and BotRK helps him do all that. But while he is stronger, his team is weaker because of that style of play. And, when it all comes down to it, even if BotRK makes you twice as effective as you would be with out it(and it's not nearly that good), it's still not as powerful as the extra 30-40% stronger that you can make each player on your team with a good support WW itemization.

TL;DR - Of course BotRK is a better item for Warwick to duel and get kills, it's just a bad item if you want to win.
Druchtin (3) | July 29, 2014 10:22am

Sadly, my SotAG build isn't really viable anymore. It's a shame, and maybe it can be tweaked into effectiveness, but I doubt it. Right now, Feral Flare is the only sensible choice for a WW jungle.

I wouldn't go quite as far as that, what I would say is that if you are going SotAG, Frozenheart is no longer a core, rather RO/SV to get the most out of the health bonus.

I actually never build BotRK though unless I'm hyper-fed anyway. I believe in strong, methodical, strategic play. Trying to outpower your opponent with high damage and lots of kills is a high-risk/high-reward style of play and can backfire easily. I prefer the much surer method of winning: pressure and objectives. And WW has so much natural sustain that buying life-steal doesn't help with either of those.

I would be the complete opposite and would rush BotRK where possible; I think it provides an enormous amount of sustain and damage to WW, allowing him to duel effectively and to pressure objectives and jungle efficiently. And the synergy with SV/FF transforms WW into a monster. I wouldn't say it can backfire easily or isn't viable - in fact, I'll only take rush WW maybe 10-20% of the time and still dominate - but it must be said that BotRK is only effective if you do not fall behind, which I suppose is a comment that can be used for WW overall anyway.
Last Primarch (5) | July 29, 2014 1:22am
I pretty much just play LoL for "fun" right now. I've been feeling very much like the only way for me to really improve at this point is by practicing regularly with a good team and I haven't been able to find one. But if I do pick ranked back up you can count on me sharing anything I learn about WW in this guide.

Until then the Feral Flare build I posted is what I follow when playing WW myself, and almost all of the advice in the rest of the guide carries over quite well. You'll be slightly squishier, with more damage, than the SotAG build but other than that it basically plays the same.
realitysconcierge | July 27, 2014 10:11pm

Sadly, my SotAG build isn't really viable anymore. It's a shame, and maybe it can be tweaked into effectiveness, but I doubt it. Right now, Feral Flare is the only sensible choice for a WW jungle.

Will you be updating your guide? It's been really helpful to me in the meantime.
Last Primarch (5) | July 23, 2014 9:22am
Sadly, my SotAG build isn't really viable anymore. It's a shame, and maybe it can be tweaked into effectiveness, but I doubt it. Right now, Feral Flare is the only sensible choice for a WW jungle.

ER might be a good idea for a Lanewick, but for Junwick there are many other items that provide superior attack or defense. In lane the need to spam hungering strike for sustain and poke makes ER potentially very useful, but smart management of your skills in the jungle mean no mana problems anyway.

I personally never build more than one Life-steal item. If you have BotRK you can increase your life-steal by buying attack speed, or make the extra healing count for more by building tankier. I actually never build BotRK though unless I'm hyper-fed anyway. I believe in strong, methodical, strategic play. Trying to outpower your opponent with high damage and lots of kills is a high-risk/high-reward style of play and can backfire easily. I prefer the much surer method of winning: pressure and objectives. And WW has so much natural sustain that buying life-steal doesn't help with either of those.
Druchtin (3) | July 20, 2014 2:39pm

Thanks for the feedback. I haven't been playing much ranked lately, and have mostly been playing for fun, but I have indeed found that bruiser junglers are now much, much weaker than before. It's a hard hit for almost all damage-dealing junglers, but I'm mostly a tank player anyway so it hasn't impacted me too much.

Has the SoTAG changed the way you've built WW at all? I've found that if I go that route, I HAVE to buy Randuin's/SV just to justify the purchase and maximise it's potential, otherwise it's wasted (e.g. Frozen Heart/SV). I also find I'm buying Merc's MUCH more frequently due to WW's vulnerability to CC

I do not build ER on WW, because he's not an AD scaling champ, but I can certainly see why it would be useful. I strongly recommend against trying to "carry", because that is an inefficient tactic once you get past the lower Elos. (Unless you're just crazy mechanically gifted like BoxBox or something.)

If you want to build a high-damage WW, I would strongly recommend going with on-hit damage items over straight AD like ER. Hydra isn't a terrible pick, but you're probably better off with the current iteration of BT, if you're not going BotRK.

Have the changes to ER changed your opinion on it? I've found the changes have made it immensely more viable on WW, particularly if you're looking to continue snowballing hard...

Why would you not build BT if you're already running BoTRK? Wouldn't the point of taking it be to preserve snowballs and increase dueling power?
Last Primarch (5) | July 17, 2014 3:38pm
Thanks for the feedback. I haven't been playing much ranked lately, and have mostly been playing for fun, but I have indeed found that bruiser junglers are now much, much weaker than before. It's a hard hit for almost all damage-dealing junglers, but I'm mostly a tank player anyway so it hasn't impacted me too much.

I do not build ER on WW, because he's not an AD scaling champ, but I can certainly see why it would be useful. I strongly recommend against trying to "carry", because that is an inefficient tactic once you get past the lower Elos. (Unless you're just crazy mechanically gifted like BoxBox or something.)

If you want to build a high-damage WW, I would strongly recommend going with on-hit damage items over straight AD like ER. Hydra isn't a terrible pick, but you're probably better off with the current iteration of BT, if you're not going BotRK.
Druchtin (3) | July 10, 2014 3:39pm
Hey Primarch!

First off, I want to say a huge thank you. Your guide is what not only led me to Warwick, but helped me to understand the fundamentals of Jungling. As of writing this post, I have over 102 games played with WW ranked and a 58% winrate. ( While I differ in the way I approach his play (I take a more aggressive approach with him), I still use and would revert back to your builds and fundamentals. Thank you very much for being a huge influence :D

So, how are you finding the recent tank jungler changes? While I find the changes to be hugely beneficial for the likes of Amumu and Malphite jungle, they seem to have truly ****ed the likes of WW and other bruiser junglers. I've only played >5 games with it, but I find the Jungle sustain and regen that I used to get from say, Golem/SV/BOTRK has decreased exponentially. Just wanted to hear your feedback on it

And secondly, have you found yourself building an Essence Reaver on WW? I've found it helpful when carrying but not as optimal as Hydra when looking for that extra carry power. Thoughts?
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