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Fundamentals: League of Legends New Player/Beginner Guide
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It's hard to imagine completing a difficult project. Take it one step at a time and don't get discouraged by trying to accomplish everything at once.
It's really cool to know of someone your age getting into League! How'd you get into it? Have you been a gamer for a long time?
Slightly misleading. Corki's basic attacks do more magical damage than they do physical damage. Colossal Smash also makes Galio's basic attack do 100% magic damage. There's more examples out there.
Also slightly misleading. Vel'Koz' auto attacks do not fire a projectile (they cannot be blocked by Wind Wall), and Graves' auto attacks are not homing (they can be dodged).
Tristana's range does, although I suppose it doesn't need to be mentioned as it is part of her passive.
Cosmic Insight allows you to cap CDR at 45%
I'd say shields are more white/silver than grey. It's important to distinguish as grey bars in health bars mean a completely different thing.
I understand League is a complex game with a lot of information and new mechanics constantly being released, and your guide was made around the time where some of those new contradictory mechanics didn't exist back then, however, if you think its better not to introduce newer players to such mechanics to avoid confusing or overwhelming them, that's okay with me as its your guide and its up to you to do what you decide is best for viewers. I haven't fully read the guide but if you were down to including the more complex and contradictory mechanics in the game I'd be more than happy to help pinpoint them out, other than that, great guide :)
I'll make sure to mention Corki, Graves, and Vel'Koz in the spoiler where I mention other auto attackers like Jhin. I agree with you about shield color, and will edit accordingly.
Thanks again!
This guide is extremely useful, explains every basic aspect of LoL so even a real MOBA noob like me could graps the concept of the gameplay, champs and so on.
Thank you very much for creating this fantastic guide! I am sure it helped/helps to a lot of new summoners. Keep up the good work!
I want to make this guide easier to find. Where/how did you first look for guides, and how did you eventually find mine?
So I used Google (this time I used the following keywords in different order: LoL/League of Legends beginner guide/tips). Yours were the third page Google suggested. :D The first two wasn't as helpful I wanted them to be. But then I found your guide and everything turned out to be all right. :D I think it was my mistake/bad I wasted so much time trying to search some good guides, your guide was super easy to find!C: So you shouldn't worry about it, I think people who search for an English guide has an easy job to find yours!:D
One note, though, you should state that armor doesn't scale linearly, but esponentially. The more armor you have, the less the damage mitigation will grow, otherwise new player might misunderstand how armor's damage reduction works.
Good job, thumbs up for you!
It is a common misconception that armor has diminishing returns, that arises from mistaking the incoming damage formula, which is a hyperbolic function, for an exponential function. The graph for the effective health formula is clearly linear.
Check out the LoL Wiki's super in-depth entry on armor.
Here nice meme <> :D"
Thumbs up for you, the act of helping those who need is a noble action.
Oh, btw, you could switch to the new guide appearance, I think it's new colors would really shine with your guide!
I haven't played with the new site and editing features yet, but I'll try to spruce things up!