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Mordekaiser Build Guide by MyDadDied

MyDadDied's Guide: Tanky/AP Mordekaiser for Ranked Play

MyDadDied's Guide: Tanky/AP Mordekaiser for Ranked Play

Updated on October 15, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MyDadDied Build Guide By MyDadDied 289 39 1,427,207 Views 143 Comments
289 39 1,427,207 Views 143 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MyDadDied Mordekaiser Build Guide By MyDadDied Updated on October 15, 2011
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RealmriderX1 (91) | February 8, 2012 10:08am
This is..probably the best Mordekaiser guide on the site. Well Done!
brainzzzz | January 20, 2012 12:39pm
+1 From me
Loved your guide
Nice easy read and goes in to detail
AndreasBBS | December 27, 2011 7:49am
Look at the Pentakill I just got after Ahri patch:
JZBear | December 6, 2011 1:42am
Thank-you for a great guide! Started playing mord, played two games, got a pentakill in both XD
SinnerPT | October 25, 2011 8:05am
Hey man , really well done build . I usually go a bit different than you on my build because i find some changes more useful gold wise to mordekaiser. I allmost never go for a randuins in a game just because i think that its more cheaper getting a thornmail instead. but you could ask : and what about the hp? instead of picking up a heart of gold i go for a kindlegem instead then upgrade it later to a spirit visage. giving extra CDR and some mres

It fits my gameplay better because my tendency in a game is to go Revolver > Negatron cloak > BWand > kindle gem > Abyssal scepter > Spirit visage > Will of the ancients. Sometimes i throw in there a chain vest if i see bottom lane is getting owned , and if it keeps up till a later mid game i get my thornmail more early. After i pass that point where my resistance items are fully built i allmost allways go for a rabadons because from this point on that shield is worth alot and the amount of aditional health you will be getting from all your skills + spirit visage augmented effect is complete nonsense.

My explanation may have some flaws but my build has enabled me to go 1v5 with post nerf morde without even coming close to 20% health. keep in mind that my health is purely based on spirit visage + glyphs.
chiche009 | October 14, 2011 9:10pm
16/1 first time, best guide ever.
Niiiiick | October 8, 2011 11:21am
Great build! The changes you made to it really led to a huge improvement in early game, and I think it's worth mentioning that your build also works great in Dominion (maybe if you have time it would be worth a few suggested modifications to use adapt it for use in Dominion, but it works as is). The 2 extra actives give you something to throw at people who think they're tracking your cooldowns - they rush in after you E and Q their buddy/minions, then next thing they know they're half dead and slowed AND then you pop your ult just to screw with them. I joined Mobafire just to +1 this build. Keep it up!
Zyv0x (25) | October 8, 2011 6:52am
Another great guide for Mordekaiser.
Gotta try it asap =D
shakesingh | September 23, 2011 11:35am
awesome guide! I prefer this guide over unforgivens because I don't agree that he can't be played as a offtank+killer anymore. If anything I would say he needs more defensive than offensive items from the nerf since before his shield would always be up and I could just pwn face going full AP. With teams that are heavy AP champs I still find it feasible to go force of nature+abyssal scepter but maybe it's just me. Anyways great guide! And I like the nerf since ppl underestimate Morde now and I no longer get the classic "Morde is so OP"
Talizeka (5) | September 20, 2011 3:42pm
+1 thanks for the build it helps a lot
jayson420 | September 6, 2011 5:25pm
fantastic 1st win of the day on this build!
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