DISCLAIMER: If you play any of this champions, don't take it personally, I just hate them.

You know those times where you play a game and you don't feel that it's not going to end well? Yeah, we all had it sometime in your League life.

Today I finally could play some League, after almost 1 month of intense studying for the exams that are next week. So I did the patch, logged in, a get in a queue alone. The champ select screen appeared, and everything went well until my pick: We got an ADC, a Top and Mid. I asked if anyone of them had a tank jungler with some cc to fit in our team comp ( Rumble Top, Vayne Adc and Zed Mid) like, for instance, Amumu. One guy said that he was going tanky, and I thinked: "cool, a good team. This may go well.". Then suddenly, out of nowhere, the same guy instalocked Master Yi. If Master Yi is a tank and has cc, I'm Justin Bieber. I facepalmed when I saw that "thing" locked in.
You may think "Well if he get's fed he can carry the game right?". Well, yes, but in a team that had almost no cc, a Master Yi gank would be useless. He can't burst early game, he hasn't a gap closer and he spents most of the time farming and then, if possible (and those ocassions are rare), ganks. It's almost like havin one player less. Oh and BTW he's useless in teamfights.
But that wasn't the end. By some random reason, with Thresh and Leona open, our last pick decided to go for a better support. No it's not Blitzcrank or Braum. No, Annie and Janna were not the choice either. That's right, I present to you the one, the only, the most awesome support in the world... Nidalee. Now I got to break it to you: despite Nidalee having a heal, traps and a great poke... SHE'S NOT EVEN CLOSE TO A SUPPORT. She can't shield you, she can't save you if you're in danger, and mostly of all: no cc whatsoever. If you play Nidalee support, go killyourself (joking).


After the champ select I took a deep breath, and said to myself "The game is not lost yet, not until the game says it so." And entered Summoner's Rift focused on winning my lane against Ahri and almost forgot about everything that happened before. Then I pressed Tab... and all hell broke loose. Master Yi first item... Doran's Blade. Nidalee first item... Doran's Ring. At that point I didn't even wanted to know what was going trough those two little minds that were playing these "characters". I focused on my lane, on farming and try to get ahead. And then, after I hit 6 I started to be more agressive in attempting to get a kill and increase my lead. And then, with no warning, a wild Master Yi appeared, all confident in getting the kill. The conclusion? A stupid towerdive, with no tough whatsoever, Master Yi dead, and Ahri coming back to the game. During this pre-stupidity by Master Yi, he had already given first blood to the enemy carry, and Nidalee full of jealousy, decided to give a kill to their adc aswell. I decided to help my adcand went bot for a kill on the adc, she got the kill with my help, but what fo you know? Nidalee felt bad for him, a decided to give him another kill... 2 times in a row. (oh BTW, her second item was an Archangel's Staff) I'm not going to talk about everything that happened trough this game (I made my own mistakes as well). The result in the end? A 20 minute surrender. I never been so angry about League. I dealed with flamers and noobs and afk's quite well. But seing my personal 2 worst champions in the game locked in , was the worst feeling ever.

TL;DR, I Don't Care.