Oh hi.

I've been away from mobafire for too long, doing to my exam for university. Now that I'm on holidays, I've been working and have almost no time to check the blogs here. But for now on I will try to be more active as possible.

Holidays here suck. I'm stuck with too much work and I don't even have a chance of getting somewhere else to enjoy some peace at the beach, since I live in the middle of nowhere. Class starts in less than a month and I never though I could possibly hope for any class to start, so that can set up the situation I'm in.

League has chenged a lot since last time I blogued about ir. ADC's items have been changed, the meta took a spin (especially in the top and bot lane) and some champions are now hard to include in the meta. Zed is one good example. The Blade of the Ruined King change ruined a little bit of the power of Zed. However, that did not make Zed totally useless (unlike Kassadin).

One day I was on youtube and saw a redmercy video (which you can check here) where he developed a build envolving Blade of the Ruined King but changed some items in order to make Zed more of a duelist and less an assassin. He calls it Duelist Zed and I've tried that build some times and it seems to work pretty well, altough I don't follow it all the way trough because I prefer sustain over armor penetration, and also because with Ravenous Hydra I'm more reliable in teamfights (when I'm in the middle of them) when with Last Whisper i'm more focused on Zed's Death Mark and that goes against the purpose of the build IMO.

Here are some games with this build:

Note: I'm not playing ranked ATM. Hurts my feelings. :sadface:

I honestly hope that now Zed can be played more frequently and that he can come back as a top tier mid pick. Only time will tell.

So tell me, do you like this new build on Zed? And do you think that the Master of Shadows can return to the top tier pick even this season?