Gosu Gamers article here: http://www.gosugamers.net/lol/features/3632-five-overlooked-ways-to-stay-relevant-as-marksman-on-3-15

Introduction: I apologize for the formatting. The connotation in this piece assumes that you have both read and understand the article on gosu gamers. You will probably get the most benefit from having both this blog post and the gosu gamers' article up at the same time for quick reference points.

Originally posted as a reply:

Allow me to preface this by saying I agree with your major points, but I don't like how you are spreading misinformation. People take what you say at face value, so it's your responsibility to do your research. Okay, so first of all, the Koreans have erred towards blade of the ruined king on all ad carries since early on in season 3. Even after it was nerfed, it has consistently been the top pick for ad carries. The fact that you make no mention of this, makes me think you randomly tuned in to OGN in the past month, and decided that noone will call you on your ********. It's not a reaction to season 4: junglers in korea build full tank every game and korean players value attack speed (and percent hp damage against the full tank jungler build) very highly.

Next, we have the jinx graphic. He has enough money for a last whisper. If his primary objective was to do more damage to squishy targets in mid game, he made the correct choice. Furthermore, there are some games where you would want to build a defensive item BEFORE last whisper, because you can't depend on your solo queue teammates. I understand the importance of building last whisper, but instead of saying always build last whisper by third item, you should give advice on when to build what items. For instance, if you are behind, you are better off going with the cheapest three item build you can afford that actually works for your champion (example 1: vayne or twitch: bork, zeal, last whisper. example 2: jinx/sivir: bt, zeal, last whisper). Most heros can also build statik shiv (even lucian), and in longer engages the procs and extra movement speed as compared to PD are more useful. I know you didn't say statik shiv was bad, I just felt it was important to mention since I just gave build advice.

Your third point, I sort of agree with, but if you have proper vision, forcing engages when the enemy is on your side of the lane (like when you have a hard engage duo: leona/taric/blitz/alistar/annie), is perfectly acceptable and if you trade and position well on ad carry (b/c **** calling it marksman), you never really have to worry about getting caught out. If they aggress on you, it gives your hard engage support more room to make plays (usually after they blow an important cooldown). In that same line of thinking, if you get poked by a support for free all game, you either have to have 3 or 4 potions or some from of sustain to survive laning phase. It's absolutely necessary to force good trades when they are available. Even if it forces you to back in order to not die, it's better than taking free autos and spells to the face all day and it sets you up for success later on in the game. If you just passively lose lane, you are not doing anyone any favors, especially not if you are playing a meta adc which requires equal footing with the enemy ad to be relevant in most cases. Still, I have noticed it's easier for the enemy ad to come back. Even if I dominate him in lane there is still a good chance he can come back.

4. I completely agree with, except for your use of the word triumvirate. Triumvirate refers to people, not summoner spells. Stop trying to look smart by using your thesaurus for the word trinity. If it ain't broke, don't mend* it. (See what I did there?)

5. "Since marskmen are so similar in playstyle comparative to other roles, it's not very difficult to learn a plethora of champions."

This is the most generic, incorrect, ******** statement I have ever come across on gosu gamers. You might as well say,"well this is a game, so you are probably good at other games." Other people will read what you said and not register it as pure ********, but for the ones that do, this is unacceptable journalism at best. Have a little pride, man.

I agree with what you said about caitlyn, ezreal, ashe and varus, but it's not really true that jinx is always a safe pick. She has no escape, and if her team isn't even in gold, she quickly becomes worthless if she's not overfed, herself. What makes jinx good is her damage, utility on w, and the fact that she can lane well against most ad carries, if not win most lane matchups.

You didn't really touch on playing lanes correctly, or even mention lane classification. Sustain beats poke, poke beats all in, all in beats sustain. If I'm a vayne/leona lane against an annie/lucian, we are doing well to not die and be 10 cs down. I'm not going to discuss if vayne is viable right now. She has some issues, but if played well she still snowballs really hard and can be played effectively as an assassin/split-pusher. It's worth it to note also, that as some of the tanks get nerfed, there will be new ad picks viable again (like twitch, and SUPRISE vayne), which will in turn spur on other ad picks to counter them out. I would say right now, the pool of ad carries is the most balanced it has ever been. The problem of why you don't see the other ad carries as much is because of the imbalanced tanks/bruisers.

For someone who approached his narrative in such a way as to tell people to "adapt and play like a fresh season," you certainly haven't done your research.

Unfortunately, I have no time to respond to any response from you. Anyone with half a brain will know that I'm right anyway, so I won't bother defending this post. Suffice it to say, I stand by my words and the conviction with which I speak (type).

You can check me out streaming on twitch *usually after 9pm EST. I plan on playing a lot of solo queue in season 4 and will be streaming as often as I can.
